FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1774

And also... you have a small depot. you want to develop it. i have plans for a year like you have for a day. and that's enough....
Server Muradasilov:
How's Zarik doing?
And also... you have a small depot. you want to develop it. i have plans for a year like you have for a day. and that's enough....
well,everybody does... and that's enough... so what's the point? what's the point? the point is to cut down... to develop... from small!!! I'm sure it's not utopia and I will prove it!!! Maybe not to everyone, but just myself - time will tell. For now, only myself - I'm tired of exhibitionism - and it's a thankless task
it's an ideal to strive for. with the right amount of diligence, I think you can make it to dailies! I don't think so, I'm sure of it! But the ideal, as you know, is unattainable...

and at the Fed, yes, they can bungle it. This is scenario number two. Too much like last year's December 16 (or 18 - I do not remember exactly). Many people will want to sell rubles and buy dollars. And they bang and do not raise them - that's when they scam everybody!!! As they know how and what they do.

All right - I have too much to say today - shut up)) Maybe I will. I don't know. It depends.
run away from sedav. you know, to re-balance the tyres or what do they do with them? or become a pimp or a trucker - there are plenty of interesting and different professions.
hopeless. run away from the sedan. you know, to re-balance the wheels........ or what do they do with them? or pimp or truckers - there are many interesting and different professions.
I won't argue - I'm sick of it. What's really hopeless is proving something to someone. especially to you, especially in this thread.
so does everyone... and that's enough... So what's the point? What's the point? The point is to cut down... to develop... from small!!! I'm sure it's not utopia and I will prove it!!! Maybe not to everyone, but just myself - time will tell. I'm tired of exhibitionism. It's a thankless task.
Well, satisfy yourself, then go on to the Saxauls.
I'm not going to argue - I'm sick of it. What's really hopeless is proving something to someone. especially to you, especially in this thread.
To yourself, to yourself. To yourself, to yourself.
You'll have to satisfy yourself, then you'll have to go on about the Saxauls.
Self-satisfaction - that's up to you... You're saxauls in your inner world. Not to me you're not. For me, authority is a vigorous, unbreakable word or a proven statement. What you saxauls don't hear!!! So it's a bust!!!

And as for reaching my goal, with or without you, I will reach it.

If you don't have anything else to say besides this daily mumbo-jumbo, good luck.

Surprise me, somebody! Tear to shreds all my assertions? Or better yet, don't say anything, it's not even funny anymore!!!
Self-satisfaction is up to you... Saxauls you are in your own inner world. For me, you're not. For me authority is a vigorous, unbreakable word or proven assertion. What you saxauls don't hear!!! So it's a bust!!!

And as for reaching my goal, with or without you, I will reach it.

If you don't have anything else to say, good luck.

you're in luck - jamison is still there. trading starts with mm. before mm it's a question of adequacy. where do you go..... with your ponces.... you horn to zero...... am I wrong?


you're in luck - jamison is still there. trading starts with mm. before mm it's a question of adequacy. where are you going..... with your ponces.... you horn to zero...... am i not right?

Don't get too high - it won't hurt so much to fall!

Now for the questions. Yes, indeed it all starts with MM! The perniciousness of the leverage lies in overestimating one's capabilities. Hence, the plummeting of the majority. Fortunately, this stage has been passed. About the horn - here the question is philosophical. Someone believes that you need to follow their strategy, no matter what. The other will say that one should not go against the market. Let's take the example of everybody's (for reasons I do not understand) favorite Strange and his recent set on the moon. He was gaining, he was gaining... ...for a month... ...two months... and it didn't come. So, what's your point, horns? So it's an incorrect statement, to put it bluntly!!!

Now about me - practice shows that all predictions come true. It all comes down to exactly the right moment of entry. This is so far the stumbling block! But in principle, I know how to fix it. The circumstances interfere. It's easier for you - if you go a year ahead, you won't be mistaken sooner or later. Strange's words prove this - about stick inputs from the bottom and from the top of the price - it may work sometime. So it's silly to talk about your saxaulism again!!!