FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1704

Server Muradasilov:
I have to withdraw the dough all the time, but I have been sitting for months, even if I'm in the black. I used to have long-term accounts too, but I can't sit so long without withdrawing the money.)
I'm not withdrawing, close some positions and withdraw, you get more than you got every day by field, I checked it, no mines.
They gave them all back in the summer in the alps.
I had an account there but I closed it a month before the shit happened.
Server Muradasilov:
I had an account there but I closed it a month before the shit happened.
I have it now and it's okay.
I'm not withdrawing, close part of the position and withdraw it, I get more than every day on the field, I checked, no mines.
All this will be later, even if I do, I will trade intraday. I try not to put all my eggs in one basket, and I should have accounts in different currencies + metals, so it works out fine. I have to have different currencies and metals, it's OK.
I've got one now and it seems fine.
Well, there are all kinds of alps, only the UK one got screwed up.
I still have it now, it seems fine.
It can't be there, UK
Server Muradasilov:
I will have a lot of accounts, and I try not to put all my eggs in one basket. I try not to put all my eggs in one basket, I can have accounts in different currencies + metals, it works out fine. I can close dollar accounts now and exchange them for rubles at the exchange rate, etc.
If you keep your account in quid, it will be corrected in a year or a half from the beginning of the next year and it will renew haires, and in a year and a half or two years you should switch to anything against the dollar and that's it.
Can't be there, UK
Who said there, I had NZ, opened Russian, Standard account.

Here come the flights, the expiry price tends towards parity, the minimum on payouts

Who said there, I had NZ, opened Russian, Standard account.

Back then the registration was in the UK, so the regulators were in the UK

and now they can get it in the beard.