FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1701

Thank you.
Server Muradasilov:

Thank you, keep it for yourself Alesha, it is not interesting, I have the capital to trade, it used to be interesting to participate - you can win only on one condition, in any competition, just go for the risks)

Well, it's up to you, if the honor was offered

Let's pray for the Audi salesmen, let them sleep peacefully....

Alexey Busygin:
It's up to you if the honour is offered.
Lyosha, I get timely information from more than fifty brokers)). Are you involved?
Server Muradasilov:
Lyosha, I get timely information from more than fifty brokers)). Are you involved?

50, one is enough for me!

So you have to ask the suppliers!

Alexey Busygin:

50, one is enough for me!

Ask the suppliers!

Yeah, your secret is front-page news.

The gauntlet's been thrown to you on a long-term basis, so you can pick it up at any time.

He's been selling moose for as long as I've known him.)

You're just an obnoxious little boy.

Bring back the old avatar - the photo of the boy standing by the window next to the flower. ))

That avatar looks better on you.

Today the takeaway, tomorrow the nonki=))

You're just an obnoxious little boy.

Bring back the old avatar - the boy standing by the window next to the flower. ))

That avatar looks better on you.


Today it's a takeaway, and tomorrow it's a nonki=)))
The euras on the midsection, could be a good gap