FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1614

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:
Yes, in creating the new, why new, there was no market theory at all, I was aware that I would be criticised for not understanding or not wanting to understand the complexities involved. But one thing is certain, I have shown that in addition to the current price, there is a parallel market price in the market, which at any time can become the current price! Do you understand all of this? If it wasn't for me who would have shown you that? If you could not show it for thousands of years, you would not have been able to show it for millions of years!
Yusuf I respect you. As you have noted there is a parallel trade, but not the price. Forex is just a regulator of ambition, greed, and stubbornness. And it doesn't take forever to figure out where to play and how to manage everything.

I made a discovery today:Volker Pispers ("German Zadornov").
Watch it all on YouTube. You won't regret it.

Server Muradasilov:

Hello Yusuf.

I don't pay attention to it, there is a certain grain of theory, I see it on the indicator. There are nuances to it - selection of settings, the time farmer , the search for patterns.

I agree with everything...... especially with the time farmer....... it's cool!
Here's how they explain it:

"The US dollar rose markedly against other major currencies on Friday amid rising expectations of a US rate hike in December, while trading volumes are expected to remain subdued in holiday trading."

Bullshit!!! All this has long since been played out and there was no new speculation or reason for it on Friday!!! There can only be one thing - since everyone is so convinced of the reversal - they have decided to shake off the passengers.

I didn't see the price going down. It was and is flat on the average distance of 90 pips.

Now the market is averaging positions, small sells are closing and bigger sells are opening on the same volume.

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:
Dear Server, thank you for your support. I am glad if my research helps someone. But, as you've noticed, the issue is complicated, I need time to understand what the indicator tells about.

If I have understood correctly the predictive indicator

Chase it away-it's like nothing ever happens when you're already in Op. Alchemy.

Would make it non-reversible.......though how, if it's originally a regression.

Server Muradasilov:
Why is it funny ))) four major banks will dump all buyers and buy as much gold as they need for further price management.
Now, English gold goes on sale and the drop in price was predictable. When the need to sell them disappears, the price of gold will rise.
I already said that)) I'm all for a U-turn! But you can expect anything from these wizards! The situation in the world right now is ambiguous. They can do anything!!! The main thing is to see what they're up to. I don't see it yet - I'll be honest! But I really want to see. I'm looking for it, analyzing it. But so far in vain. I do not see any logic in their actions, none at all!
How it is possible to see the future before scientists do - I do not understand. The plurality of worlds is still only in theory...... that's why I don't have any stops.


Useful friction you're having.

Don't be lazy and don't slow down.

I'm interested, I think I'm not the only one.

Don't swear! Sternge will come and kick you in the ass!

He won't be here for three days, the trolls have put us on bycott. But he's looking! gritting his teeth and itching to kick the keyboard. But Wizard has expressly forbidden it.


On Nov 25 and 26 the ECB poured in almost 100 yards of Euros and exchanged them for quid. Bypassing the market. That means bypassing the exchange. Now it has enough liquidity to flood any demand for quid. Just add up 2+2 and you get the answer.

There is no dollar, euro, pound, Swiss franc, yen and cable separately since late 2011, but there is a single monster currency. Swap transactions mean one thing - the currency will walk in a corridor as long as the swap is on. The Pindos are conducting a grandiose operation to devalue the dollar. This forces the CBs of developing countries to devalue their currencies. Otherwise the country is screwed. We feed the monster at the expense of pensioners, employees and our own budget cuts. But the monster is still not enough, it has long been used to live beyond its means, at the expense of robbery.

This can very well be noted, this level of dough deficit at the ECB.

They call it a strengthening of the dollar, so don't let it stop them from strengthening for longer. Now is a good time, gold has fallen and the euro has gone down, something good may come out.

You write again that they (the Fed) are taking the dollar out of circulation. But then they share it with the EU to inject it? I have cognitive dissonance ))
They have one problem here, they need far more money than the machine has time to print.

If I've understood correctly the indicator is prognostic.

I chased him, he reacts like nothing when you are in Op. Alchemy.

I would like to make it non-reversible.......though how, if it is originally regression.

No, it is not predictive, it shows what is happening now (M1 - M5), Yusuf has his own settings and understanding of how his creation works, I see it all differently.