FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1271


buy pound sl 10 pips

buy kiwi sl 20 pips

Yep, it feels like people are either deaf or blind or deaf-blind.
Don't grumble.

From reds to greens.

Go outside for a walk)

What's with the pink, then? The trade is yours if it's easy from reds to greens.


buy pound sl 10 pips

buy kiwi sl 20 pips


why the pink one then ? the trade is yours if it's easy from red to green

Where's the pink one ?)


unemployment on the moon today:

and if it goes downhill:


Old trades a large trend, woodcutter trades from the five-minute chart, all trends - and both are in the black.

I got this feeling that he has a good view on the market, I don't know why he ignore all the trends.

Lesorub doesn't care about the reasoning, he looks at the numbers the same way he looks at Strange .

Server Muradasilov:

Old trades a large trend, woodcutter trades from the five-minute chart, all trends - and both are in the black.

I got this feeling that he has a good view on the market, I don't know why he ignore all the trends.

Lesorub doesn't care about the reasoning, he looks at the numbers the same way he does with Strange.

optimist :) maybe both are suckers : ))))))))))))))

all due respect :)))


a few more pips and i'm in the boo :)

no need to sell ? is the green far away ?

Server Muradasilov:

Old trades a large trend, woodcutter trades from the five-minute chart, all trends - and both are in the black.

I got this feeling that he has a good view on the market, I don't know why he ignore all the trends.

I don't care about the reasoning, he looks at the numbers the same way he does with Strange.

♪ Cartoon for grown-ups: Moose the woodcutter

* It's not recommended for the mentally challenged to watch.