FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1268

Yeah, there's no one to explain, there's no HIM....

it's not good, you need to look in the monitor less, the ophthalmologist will not forgive...

It's like running in a field and pooping wherever you go))))

So I'm stupid, I don't see anything there))))

Maybe someone can see something - let them tell me.

Traders all over the world have been using indicators for two hundred years.

There are no traders who can't read indicators, just like there are no musicians who can't read sheet music.

As long as I've known you, you keep reinventing the wheel, while everyone else is riding a long invented wheel.

Undoubtedly we need inventors, and one day we will buy your bestseller The Theory of Win-Win Trading.

It's like running in the field and pooping wherever))))

Good night, go on with your ranting...

don't forget about 5110 and 5665.

as did 4313 and 6265.


Here are the contract prices and seller/buyer ratios

Do you draw it yourself or look it up somewhere?


Well, you overdid it with the pessimism, because not all the dashes in the screenshot are there. There is also intraday, which is more powerful, but shorter term.

And interday! Mavrodius is at it again.

Traders all over the world have been using indicators for two hundred years.

There are no traders who can't read indicators, just like there are no musicians who can't read sheet music.

As long as I've known you, you keep reinventing the wheel, while everyone else is riding a wheel that was invented a long time ago.

Undoubtedly we need inventors, and the time will come when we will buy your bestseller "The Theory of Win-Win Trading".

You don't have to reinvent the bicycle, but you can modernise it

As for notes, to a trader, notes are bars, not indicators. An indicator is more like a reel that plays a tune

Alexey Busygin:
Interdai! Mavrodius Bear is at it again

Each extremum produces a different fan of rays. If you stick everything on a chart, you won't see the price... So you have to cut back to the detriment of formability.

Sometimes you cut off too much.

Didn't understand about MM, why it's here????

Спасение США: окно возможностей
Спасение США: окно возможностей
  • 2015.11.05
Парадокс текущего глобального кризиса заключается в том, что последние пять лет все сколько-нибудь ответственные и самостоятельные государства прилагали неимоверные усилия для спасения Соединенных Штатов от грозящей им финансово-экономической и военно-политической катастрофы. Причем делали это вопреки не менее последовательным действиям...

Each extremum produces a different fan of rays. If you stick everything on a chart, you won't see the price... So you have to cut back to the detriment of formability.

Sometimes you cut off too much.

I don't understand the MM, why it's here????

It works something like intraday. Bitcoin goes up in value