FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 1120


Uh-huh... Thumb in the sky.


eura TP1078, no change...

Euroena TP134.28, no change...


TP/SL ratio = 10/1.

No swaps.



TP/SL ratio = 10/1.

No swaps.


You're about to get beaten)

Although maybe not, they don't know what it is))))


You're about to get beaten up)

Although maybe not, they don't know what it is))))

What's there not to know, the heating season is coming up, it's always bye time :)

You're about to get beaten up)

Although maybe not, they don't know what it is))))


You're about to get beaten up)

Although maybe not, they don't know what it is))))

I've been watching oil and gas intraday for the third day here. They have the same intraday correlation as between seashells and yuan.

It brought to mind the adherents of the sect of allied currency witnesses.

I laughed again)))

I really want oil a couple of quid lower to buy more))

Server Muradasilov:
What is there not to know, the heating season is approaching, at this time there is always a rush :)

Who drowns in what, that's what's in the buys.

I laughed to tears a couple of years ago at this news:

Firewood instead of gas. A photo report from the first energy-independent city in western Ukraine.

Дрова вместо газа. Фоторепортаж из первого энергетически независимого города на западе Украины
Дрова вместо газа. Фоторепортаж из первого энергетически независимого города на западе Украины
Ранее мэр Золочева регионал Игорь Гринько отмечал, что факторов, побудивших город к такому шагу, было немало. Прежде всего, по его словам, - это высокие цены на российский газ и рост задолженности перед поставщиками газа. В течение 2011-2013 годов на твердое топливо было переведено все семь котельных Золочева. Следовательно, теплоснабжающие...

Who drowns in what, that's what's in the buys.

I laughed to tears a couple of years ago at this news:

Firewood instead of gas. A photo report from the first energy-independent city in western Ukraine

Firewood will not last long, wood does not grow that fast :) . But the gas tank, by the New Year you can make a profit.

EUR TR 1078, no change...

eurea TR134.28, no change...

Ilya, why is the eu going in the wrong direction? .... Doesn't she know to go down? ....