FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 938


Where is your 100% a day?

At least make it a month :-) 6 days left

my bot has already made less than 10

You think I will show it to anyone or publish it?)

I warned you right away that I am showing an old invention. I won't even mention the new one in the signals.

1. YOU HAVE A DEMO ACCOUNT!!! )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ///oy pako funny))))))) hilarious )))) do you know that you won't get the same results on the real account as on the demo, you're just like a boy))))

Here you go:

If you show me or your results on the real for a year, then show your pussy.

2. No one in the signals is going to sign up with a mullet of bucks for the kind of shit you're talking about.

3. The purpose of publishing the signal was not to get out. The purpose was for some comrades to get off with the theme - do the monitoring.

4. The signal will live and I will not take it down, for it has become the purpose for which signals are intended...

Stop bickering - throw your predictions to

I see a sell on the hen
Stop bickering and make your predictions.

I see a sell on the yen.

Sit for half a year at least and don't worry, why do you need predictions? )

Decided on one pair and rightly so by the way.

Now study how it moves. Then you will think about it further.

Jenny's not an easy pair. In time you will understand. //netting there is a dead end.


Хорош пререкаться - прогнозы кидайте 

Я вот по еньке селл вижу





Not a bad cut...

Aside from the moon people got stuck, it's the same with the pound.

By the way, Ishim bought the pound and I think the SOT operators too....


Not a bad cut...

Aside from the moon people got stuck, the same thing happened to the pound.

By the way, Ishim bought it....

the sticks rule:

Sit for half a year at least and don't worry, why do you need predictions? )

Decided on one pair and rightly so by the way.

Now study how it moves. Then you'll think later.

Yenka is not an easy pair. You'll figure it out in time. //netting's a dead end out there.

Which pair are you talking about? the ay, the eu or what else?

On the yen I'm telling you what I see. TA is applicable everywhere. Naturally with its own peculiarities.
What pair are you talking about? AUD, EUR or what else?

On the yen, I'm telling you what I see. TA is applicable everywhere. Naturally with its own peculiarities.

Well then read your post first, since you forgot the question I answered.

FOMC today?