FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 585


I am sincerely happy for everyone who managed to buy USDCAD, from the bottom of my heart.

Now do you understand why I have nothing to talk about?


I have not made such entries for a long time

By the way, the area where the limit line is - we may (and most probably will) go there tomorrow or on Friday, before the Canadian news.


I am sincerely happy for everyone who managed to buy USDCAD, from the bottom of my heart.

Now do you understand why I have nothing to say to you?

It's like a wallop for them =)


One more thing. If gold goes below 1125 - then we will also see 1090.

For all those who bought it at this price today - will be dealt with. Painfully and not with a stick).


I am sincerely happy for everyone who managed to buy USDCAD, from the bottom of my heart.

Now why do you think I have nothing to talk to you about?

It's not going to happen.
Roman Busarov:

like peas in a pod to them =)

Please don't be a prick .... There's a strange habit of writing something

and then erase their post... I just think it should be banned, that's all...


I'm asking you not to be a prick ....There's a strange habit of writing something

and then erase their post, I just think they should be banned, that's all...

I've never deleted anything of my own... (except for the swearing)
Roman Busarov:
never erased anything of his own... ( except for swearing )
I, for example, if anything I give drawings and explain why I think so ...Who does that ...Almost no one ...Everyone thinks they are clever)))
I, for example, if I give you pictures and explain why I think so ... Who does that ... Almost nobody ...
Everyone used to do that... and then you said you were a photojacker...) I don't do that now ... because I don't think it's necessary for you traders' gurus.
Better post in Russian what is in the FOMC reports.
Roman Busarov:
everyone used to do that... and then you said you were a photojacker=) Now I don't do it... because I don't think it's necessary for you guru traders.
What the fuck are we doing here then? If everyone's balls are so big?)))