FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 145


walked in on the moon:

40% close of the day.

walked on the moon:

Here's where I tell you to be careful...

From 1.3150 the first good pullback, remember?

Dmitry Chepik:
I did it, good for you!
I wrote to Strange that I would also get my own on the Jew, but he called me a d... d., and he didn't believe me))
Pity about woodpeckers, but we need you.
Better tell us how you were once, in your youth, a woodpecker, what were the feelings? etc.)
Dmitry Chepik:

And here I tell you, be careful...

From 1.3150 the first good pullback, remember?

To each his own, we have different approaches...
I told Strange I'd get mine on the Jew too, and he called me a dick.
I guess he's in a lousy mood today, don't mind him. You gotta respect, forgive and cherish the old man.)
To each his own, we have different approaches...
That's just it...
Dmitry Chepik:
So that's it...
That's it and that's that...
Are you lying to yourself again? Keep going)))
Are you lying to yourself again? Go on)))
They get the jitters when the market starts to breathe deeper. 100 messages a minute. )))