FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 106


What the hell is going on with the forum? I send a message - it's gone, I send a second message - they both appear. I delete one of them, they all get deleted?
Teacher, buy the euro from 0880-85, you will raise your pamphlet a little, may it last forever.....

You'd better tell me about the harrier, it's not going down.

i'd rather short the euro, the harrier can't be beaten.

sold the eurocaddy (to the sell side) at 1.421 for once)

You'd better tell me about the harrier, it's not falling.

he would do better to short the euro, the harp is unbeatable.

You tell the Master, I don't need to. I don't have the incontinence to look at the chart every hour.

I'll tell you why the Moon does not fall and the Euro does not rise . I do not know why the moon does not fall and the euro does not rise...)).

Alexander Zagryadskiy:

Now the option is up with a short stop or hold the short, if it breaks down the target will be around 1.0820. The upside first target is around 1.1010 (all minus 8p for forex)

Military secrets ))
Teacher, buy euro from 0880-85, raise your pamm. a little, may it last forever.....
why do i need your guesswork when the closing sales level is 1.0860.

You tell the Master, I don't need to. I do not have the incontinence to look at the chart every hour.

And why the harrier does not fall and the euro does not grow I tell you, you fools have to ... Ugh, the Jedi, you have to get them to move for no good reason))).

Well, yes, you can wait a month, what's the big deal, and the Jedi will make good money during this time, maybe...
why should i need your guessing when the closing sales level is 1.0860.

??? Interesting.

Ishim, how did you determine?

I personally don't see either level. The 18s are over, it's all quiet so far. There's something about jedi, so it's more realistic. They're going up or down... Every month.

Yes, you can wait a month, what's the big deal, and the Jidaivs will make good money during that time, maybe...
They'll suck your dick, maybe. You can make money only in the circus, and with the Teacher there will be a full house.

??? Interesting.

Ishim, how did you determine?

I personally don't see either level. The 18th is out, so far, so good. The jedi thing is a little more realistic. The plan's gonna go up or down...

so I don't mind them going from 0860.