FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications 2015(continued) - page 51

Each central bank has its own vegetable and each one provides liquidity to its own vegetable, not the rottenness of others (like Strange (or am I reading him wrong?)) why would he need other people's vegetables?

buy euros for quid,

so if you want to keep the eu against the quid - you have to buy euros and SELL quid - and if you don't have any - what do you do?

and the ECB does not print quid ...

that's the problem ...

Central banks have nothing, no foreign currency, no gold, they trade with shells. Why ask these stupid questions?


I haven't asked you a question in a long time - these questions were in the air - who wants to answer them?

As for the fact that you are not satisfied just confirms that the question is complicated and you have nothing to say on the subject,

it doesn't contradict the fact that you are a cool trader

Central banks have nothing, no foreign currency, no gold, they exchange shells. Why ask these stupid questions?

the cb has a printing press

The central banks do not exchange anything with each other.


Well, maybe you know something, I don't pretend to,

but it's probably just a glitch in your head.

It's been my experience that when a person can't explain something, he's usually wrong himself

and here you say a lot of clever words, pretending to be clever ...

But you can't answer a simple question - does the ECB have quid or not? You can't get smart here ... just yes or no and a link ...

So I have to answer all your questions))) good for you))) hilarious ...
Each Central Bank has its own vegetable and each ensures the liquidity of its vegetable, not the rottenness of another's (based on Strange (or did I misunderstand him?)) why does he need other people's vegetables?
So that he has something to eat when his own rots))))
Of course because of the girl... There are 10 of these girls for each...)))
well, if you are sure that the head of the united bureau has broken the law, make some dirt - i think you can sell it for a million quid - to the fsb ))))
So I have to answer all your questions))) good for you)) hilarious...

Wizard, cut the crap about should not have to,

When you asked me a question, I answered it.

if you had an answer to a simple question, you would have and others would have.

You just don't know.

I apologise for Sensei, but I would like to hear the promised evening's thoughts on the Eurobucks, if you don't mind ... Thank you... I'd like an expert's perspective for my thoughts.
Or so the story goes

wow that's cool !


Wizard, cut the crap about should not have to,

When you asked me a question, I answered it.

if you had an answer to a simple question, you would have and others would have.

You just don't know.

So teach us)))