Safe martingale. - page 3

Alexander Fedosov:

Oh, there are so many topics like this. Someone comes along and says - I've got a system, it works! But I'll save the suspense.

It's in the hope that they'll be persuaded to share it with a cat in a poke. Well, anyone can talk like that. We must also create a theme "I sit on a mountain of gold from my grail, but I save the intrigue" or "I created a grail, looking for an investor. It's all a lot of air pollution.

I have given you all the background data to guess how this method works. If you are too lazy to think or lack the brainpower, it's not my fault).
I gave you all the raw data to guess how the method works. If you're too lazy to think or don't have the brains, it's not my fault).
You didn't give me anything personally. If you are too lazy to think or do not have enough brains to look at similar similar throw-ins about nothing, then I am not to blame. Whoever needs to read it, let them.
Alexander Fedosov:
You haven't given me anything personally. If you are too lazy to think about it or don't have the brains to look at similar throw-ins about nothing, it's not my fault. Whoever needs to read it, let them.
I did not give it to you personally, but all the necessary information is in my posts. The material is given in a veiled manner, so that only those who can think can use it. And I am sure that such people will be found. I do not want this method to be open to everyone, including those who are prone to mental laziness.
George Merts:

Testing period ?

And what difference does it make with or without martin?

When using a safe martin increases profit, MO and recovery factor. I will post reports with and without martin on Monday.The testing period is irrelevant.How long will the EA stably work without Martin, the same amount of time it will work with a Safe Margin. It all depends on the quality of the signal system.

I have not given it to you personally, but all the necessary information is in my posts. The material is given in a veiled manner, so that only those who can think can use it. I am sure there must be some. I do not want this method to be open to everyone, including the mentally lazy.

We already have. The system doesn't work for shit. Keep promoting your martin.

As long as the EA will work consistently without martin, so long as it will work with a safe martin. Everything depends on the quality of the signal system.

That's what I'm saying - if you do not fanaticism, then a Martin is of no use. If you're a fanatic, it turns into a casino and a lottery.

George Merts:

We already have. The system ain't working for shit. Keep promoting your martin.

That's right. That's what I'm saying - if it's not fanatical, it's useless. If it's with fanaticism - it turns into a casino and a lottery.

If found, let them write in person and I will answer right or wrong.

Well, if profit and recovery factor does not matter to you, then yes, no use.) I didn't promise that martin will make the EA more stable. I only promised the safety of using it for the EA. Considering that using it improves some of the EA's parameters, it' s a good thing.


Using a safe martin increases profits, MO and recovery factor. I will post reports with and without martin on Monday.The testing period does not matter.As long as the EA will work steadily without a Martin, so long as it will work with a Safe Margin. Everything is determined by the quality of the signal system.

If the system generates 50% of profitable trades and in general is not unprofitable, but is not profitable either, it is losing the spread, can I turn it into a profitable one using such a tricky martin?
Maxim Romanov:
And if the system makes 50% of profitable trades and is not generally unprofitable, but is not profitable either, it is losing on the spread, can you turn it into a profitable one using such a tricky martin?

Since the profit and recovery factor is increased by this martin, I think it is possible, but it is better to check practically.

Yes it is not tricky, the usual lot build-up, but if some simple (arithmetic level) conditions are met, it becomes safe.


Well, if profit and recovery factor don't matter to you, then yes, no use). I didn't promise that martin will make the EA more stable. I only promised the safety of using it for the EA. Considering that using it will improve some parameters of the EA, it will do some good.

Well - a deposit of $100 or more and the statistics for at least six months?

And then - let's talk about "good".

George Merts:

So - a deposit of $100 or more, and at least half a year's statistics?

And then - let's talk about "impact".

It's like you're playing a dumb phone). About the testing I already replied. Do you only read your own posts?