Market theory - page 95

And when it's not OK, you can catch such a minus. And how do you predict? If the correction is prolonged, you have to trade it, but not to watch the depo sinking!
If you trade "in parts", then you will be caught in a minus.
Yousufkhodja Sultonov:


A sobering chart, forcing you to think about the appropriateness of overstaying your positions, although the bottom line is 4 times better than the daily fix, but, the drawdowns are also decent.

Trend-finding :

The first chart is interesting. The deal lives for 24 hours, right? Here the drawdown and FS are already clear. MO 20 pips is also more realistic already.
The first graph is interesting. The deal lives for 24 hours, right? Here the drawdown and FS are already clean. MO 20 pips is also more realistic already.

Yes. These are the graphs for two years:

Yusuf, why are you doing this, for sport or to find a sympathetic coder?

Market conditions at the opening of the 02 06 15 session:

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

Market conditions at the opening of the 02 06 15 session:

And what can be seen from this other than you ?
Yousufkhodja Sultonov:
Don't worry, as I said and claim now, everything is under control and everything is fine. The market cannot go against the will of our characters!
Apparently there is a confusion with the characters here. Perhaps I will surprise you, but the market does not give a damn about geese and crayfish. It's ruled by Uncle Kolya and Moose.
Daniil Stolnikov:
Apparently there's been a mix-up with the characters here. It may come as a surprise, but the market does not really care about geese and crayfish. It's run by Uncle Kolya and Moose.
That's true.)
Vladimir Zubov:
And what does this show apart from you?
At least that the market is bearish. The interpretation of the chart has been talked about dozens of times, so here is a view of the chart.
Vladimir Zubov:
And what does this show apart from you ?
Sell to keep + even the bulls agree on this