Market theory - page 33

25% of the balance is too much IMHO, if a series of losing trades more than 3 then kaput.
My maximum drawdown during testing was just over 6%. I have a little bit more than 6%. I think this force majeure will be very rare.
I had a maximum drawdown of just over 6% when testing. I took it with a reserve. I think this kind of force majeure will be very rare.
Then it's good enough.
Alexander Ivanov:
I'd rather open another topic, but also on Cauchy's inequality.
At least, for the sake of decorum, cite the source of the idea or other, earlier ones, if you know them.
Неравенство Коши
Неравенство Коши
Поэтому, пришла мысль попробовать выявлять ее роль и на рынке Форекс. - - Категория: общее обсуждение
And I reckon it will go to 1.21.

No, he won't! It's going to get a massive bear hitting the horns.

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:
No, he won't! Will get a mighty bear kick in the horns.
:)) Ay shaman)) Awesome.
Yousufkhodja Sultonov:
No, he won't! It's going to get a mighty bear kick in the horns.
It will come anyway, I just don't know when).

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

Dear Wizard, This example helped me to find my gross technical mistake ...

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

I value my daily real market commentary at $100K a day

Give me the % I owe - give it to the needy)))
I'm in a bit of need as well :))) I don't have enough to renovate my flat.
But by trading Yusuf's signals, on the whole depo, I might increase my capital by 3000% per month.
Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

No, he won't! Will get a mighty kick in the bears' horns.

Now double the window )))