MT4 for smartphones ! - page 10

Even though it says it's a communicator, it's still a smartphone no matter how you slice it. In terms of software, operating system and even size :-). I have one myself. As a smart, it rules, but no software for a communicator, because it's a smartphone. :-( That's it.
And by the way, I want to remind you that we all amicably left the topic. So to say we have smoothly passed from topic of mobile terminals to discussion of mobile devices :-). Maybe it's time to create a new topic. For example, who has already bought something for the terminal which hasn't been released yet or may never be released :-).
On the 4th page of this thread it seems they've made it clear that we may not wait for the terminal. At least in the near future.
By the way.... so when will there be a smartphone terminal??? What does it matter though...didn't you realise that none of the admins look into this thread at all????
I think you've all gone crazy with the terminal. I recently looked at how mt mobile looks in 320*240 resolution on a qutek s200 and was mildly disappointed, even in landscape orientation. Nothing is visible. i.e. a very small piece of the graphic is visible. After that shock, I somehow quickly got over the smartphone version. Especially imagining how it would look on 176*220. So the choice for me is at least 640*480. DC highly recommend this resolution (for the reasons described above). But since communicators with this resolution a whole one very expensive brick (qutek 9000, if I'm not mistaken), it seems to me that the best option would be a PDA with this resolution. My choice is a compact, lightweight and relatively inexpensive acer n311. Especially as it already has a terminal for it and I don't need to wait for anything. The trend towards the merging of the two platforms (mobile and smartphone) is already underway and the release of a smartphone version may not be worthwhile at all. And with the widespread adoption of vga resolution communicators will completely seal the victory for them.

All the above is pure imho, but for myself I decided that the screen resolution plays a key role.

no admins look in this thread at all???? <br / translate="no">

Looking at
в эту ветку вообще никто из админов не заглядывает????

Looking in

И ... what will the esteemed developers be up to?
в эту ветку вообще никто из админов не заглядывает????


И ... what will the esteemed developers do for us?

The only thing they can please us with in this thread is a release. It's not out yet.
The previously halted work on the smartphone version continues.
That's a rather dry answer, comrade debaucher. People are demanding bread and circuses. We moluchili the sight on page 1, but the test version, alas, did not have a chance. Have you decided on a date though?
Yes we don't need support for MQL language and therefore custom indicators and EAs. <br / translate="no"> Give us the ability to watch standard indicators and open and close positions.
And that's enough for us on a smartphone.

Then why do you need MT for Smartfones. Use the Internet browser and the WEB version, you have plenty of them.
But there aren't enough programs to implement your (non-standard) indicator. And if the higher version of MT (i.e. on PC) allows you to work with MQL, then the implementation for PDA and smartphones is quite logical.