Strategy tester. - page 4

I showed this in the second post of this thread too.

But there is one more glitch,
My tester drew several dozens (maybe thousands, I didn't look at all of them) of deals with the same entries and exits. All deals were performed at different times but the entry price was the same and the exit price too. As a result, equity turned out to be a perfect straight line (no drawdowns).
I showed that too in the second post of this thread. <br / translate="no">.

These are uncomfortable questions, that's why they don't get answered :)
Это я тоже показывал во втором посте этой ветки.

These are uncomfortable questions, that's why they don't get answered :)

found a glitch in swap accrual (that's why I said to print out the account history when deinitialising). by the way, it was not presented as clearly with Mac as it was with you.
By the way, it wasn't presented as clearly in Mac's case as it was in yours.

Well, in addition to the result I also wrote the words there.
And there are 2 mistakes (maybe you didn't pay attention?).
Mac, please point out errors specifically, not "there are errors in the submitted log". like, you are the developers, so you will see everything yourself.
I always write in detail.

TakeProfit is triggered in 30 pips but results are very different for some reason (220.95, 217.00, -2.88, 603.79).

3. Then, for some reason, the exact same deals come in bunches ......
And they follow each other, but their opening and closing prices are the same.
Sell at 1.2725 and t/p at 1.2727.

These comments are not enough?
Just don't forget that postic test mode without the appropriate timeframes is unreliable. Or don't you want to think about it?

I have such an idea - let's really think about it :)
Suppose I have all timeframes. But there are periods in minutes when the data is simply missing for various reasons. It can be absence of ticks from the server or simply missing a part of history.
In this case it is impossible to perform tickwise modeling. But actually, it is very problematic to check the history's integrity and availability of all the required samples. In my opinion, this is not a reason to generate a bunch of ticks that really could not be. It's just that the generator needs to be made a bit more intelligent.
It's just that the generator needs to be a bit more intelligent.

We have two people involved in the tester, plus several people volunteering as tester testers (like a meter reader from green spaces), who helped us a lot before the release. but this is clearly not enough. let them accuse us of not listening to users who voluntarily and for free test our "buggy software". this is not true. we record all suggestions. We are grateful to our users for finding bugs. we will gradually introduce even those suggestions that we initially vehemently rejected. you only need to prove the necessity. this is the true power of argument. as an example, we now have a "upload all timeframes to the maximum" button, this is the "start" button in the tester for egetic daytripper generation.
As an example, we now have a button "upload all timeframes to the maximum", which is the "start" button in the tester when generating the days.

I wanted to write about this button,
I wanted to say that I've got a loader for the whole story :)))
But I wondered if there is no trap ...

So it really works?
So, if you select some period of the daily data, the history for all timeframes will be downloaded?

Maybe you will add the function we have been talking about a lot?
It is a function in the script that would guarantee the presence of a given number of bars on a given timeframe and symbol.
And also to follow up.

Slava, Renat, and all the developers.

You have a good platform, otherwise we wouldn't be here.
The fact that we criticize you (and often for a reason), there is no other way in this business.
The more so that you often behave too categorically.
I understand that this is often due to the complexity of your task and your overload ...

But the system could be even better (with our help :)).

Anyway, thank you for your work, we really appreciate it.
We really appreciate your system.

And our words (including mine), sometimes maybe not too diplomatic, do not mind (you are sometimes good at arguments too :)).
What matters is the case and the result :))