Strategy tester. - page 8

<br / translate="no"> in the log select the context menu to open. open the corresponding log file and see if it was output or not. the log tab outputs data asynchronously, on a timer so as not to slow down the tester, so data can get lost in the tab (and not in the log, i.e. not in the log itself).

Good thing you told me :) Soon everything would have started to crash. There log file is already about 2Gb.
Very often on different Expert Advisors, the tester generates blank (empty) output data when optimising, going through all cycles, but not performing any operations. Does anyone know why this happens?
I think I've found the "bug" again! :)
I don't remember if I've ever written about it...
As it turned out, the problem was this:
if(CurTime()-OrderOpenTime()<900) return(0);

For some reason, the optimiser does not reset the counter to 'zero' (or whatever it is). And, probably, it counts global time, not test time. In general, I do not know what and how it is not done correctly, but I spent a lot of nerves, while I catch. :) If someone has the same problem, take note!

When testing the strategy, there are entrances in places where, to the eye, this should not happen in any way. I wasted three days of my life. And for what? Do you see numbers above the bar? The first figure is the value of the indicator (red line). It is 1.3014. And the second number is the low bar value returned to the program. We can see on the chart that the low is below the line of the indicator. And the low of this bar is 1.3012. But the program receives the value 1.3015. Now I see why it triggers here.
Explain what's wrong with me?

Here's the program:
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int i; //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int init () { return(0); } int deinit() { return(0); } int start() { i++; CreateArrow(DoubleToStr(i,0),Time[0],High[0],108,Aqua); i++;
  CreateArrow(DoubleToStr(i,0),Time[0],Low[0],108,Yellow); return(0); } void CreateArrow(string name, datetime time1, double price1, int code_arrow, int clr) { ObjectCreate(name,OBJ_ARROW,0,time1,price1);
  ObjectSet(name,OBJPROP_ARROWCODE,code_arrow); ObjectSet(name,OBJPROP_COLOR,clr); }

Here are the results of the tester run

See the reply on the Alpari forum, too lazy to write twice.
See the reply on the Alpari forum, too lazy to write twice.

Throw in the link
Смотри ответ на форуме Альпари , два раза лень писать.

Throw in the link
It's all very simple. As I see it, the tests are in bar opening mode.
What is the High and Low of the bar just emerging equal?
Hint: Open=High=Low=Close, Volume=1

This is, by the way, why the first arrow with the colour Aqua is just below the second Yellow.
It's very simple. As I see it, the tests are in bar opening mode. <br / translate="no"> What is the High and Low of the bar that has just opened?
Hint: Open=High=Low=Close, Volume=1

That, by the way, is why the first arrow with the colour Aqua is just below the second Yellow.

Thanks for the clarification.