NormalizeDouble paradox - page 6


very well,

- for memory addressing

for order numbering not good

Do you think orders are stored in the air? They are stored in databases which also use relative offsets.

for example, cell A1 in excel must also have an internal index (0,0)

only microsoft doesn't make us think about the memory cells

and rounds it up properly.

You just forget that such rounding reduces the overall performance, and for experienced programmers indexing from one is more confusing than helpful.
Do you think warrants are stored in the air? They are stored in databases which also use relative offsets.


I'm really glad the warrants are not in the air but in the database.

If they were in the air, I'd be disappointed.

But why are the Excel cells stored in a database of some kind and relative offsets used for them as well?

and they're numbered from 1 as they should be naturally.


No, no.

Let the numbers be stored as they should be by the IEEE.

I'm only talking about functions "wrapping" binary format to make it usable

There are many things in the language that are "wrong", illogical, for example numbering of orders starting with 0.

I understand that this was easier for language developers to make their internal indexes coincide, but people are not machines, people count starting with 1

There is no problem, order a library of wrappers for all functions, and they will do numbering from 1 and rounding checks in each function.

Of course, for humanitarians it's easier, but you don't have to twist the language for them.)



I'm really glad the warrants are not in the air but in the database.

If they were in the air, I'd be disappointed.

But why are the Excel cells stored in a database of some kind and relative offsets used for them as well?

and they are numbered from 1 as they should naturally be.

Programmers obey their own, generally accepted laws. Who does not agree with the index of the first element equal to "0" - must accept such an indexing as a norm or pass into the category of Windows users.

What does windows have to do with...

about the wrapper library - that's what I'm talking about

but it's a good thing it should be at the language level

maybe it could be a meta-language like EA or even a visual language

Programmers are subject to their own, generally accepted laws. Who does not agree with the index of the first element equal to "0", must accept such indexing as a norm or pass into the Windows user category.
There are languages in which indexing starts with 1. And strange as it may seem, there are not so many problems. They use what is written in documentation


Isn't it obvious that it's more convenient when the number matches the index

Wrong habit problem, from school. Right counting from zero. In order to understand this, you must converse in a language with counting from zero and counting from 1 (e.g. VBA). When counting from zero, everything magically falls into place, and when counting from 1, everything is out of place.


Wrong habit problem, from school. Correct counting from zero. To understand it, you have to converse in a language with a zero-count and a one-count (e.g. VBA). When counting from zero, everything magically falls into place, and when counting from 1, everything is out of whack.


Wrong habit problem, from school. Correct counting from zero. To understand it, you have to converse in a language with a zero-count and a one-count (e.g. VBA). When counting from zero, everything magically falls into place, and when counting from 1, everything is out of whack.


What are the advantages of counting with 0?

For a human being, not for a machine