Make your first million - page 85


Well... the experiment is over. A negative result is also a result.

Bottom line: all those who claimed and still claim that 10% profit per day is easy are empty-nesters.


Never mind, everyone will remember our hapless MMMmighty for a long time to come.

How he laughed, how he laughed... rolling around on the floor in smiley faces... And what a meaningful avatar he had. A super-trader, for whom 10% a day is a seed... The doll was saying goodnight...

Well, nothing, I think he won't resist and will come back to give some more money to DC and to withdraw the fourth million.

Won't hold out, will make up a new chip.
Daniil Stolnikov:
That's a whole other law. No system can withstand that. Puppet's just making a mockery of everyone - taking the bears out. It's brutal. Every day, they check to see if they're all down. If not, they go higher. There might have been a rollback long ago, but no... Look at the history - when was the last time there was an upward movement of 8 figures? What the hell kind of system?
What do you want? It's forex.
Daniil Stolnikov:
Part 3. Day 1.

Is this a new account?
Daniil Stolnikov:
The end of the film. Clap your hands you evil trolls
Alexandr Murzin:

It's going to be boring now.

Is there a new movie planned? Because everyone here is already hooked on the series.

Well, I'm bored... was... is and will be There will be a movie... but I can't say exactly when. I thought today - it's a sin to give up free money (RVD wanted to give me 10 bucks at 1:1000 leverage), but they changed their mind - they need supporting documents - they'll get over it

After recent events I need to digest everything, rethink, formalize, automate, and only after that can I continue. However, I exceeded the risks - that's why I lost 17% on the first day and lost losses on the second

. It's difficult to trade by hand - many things interfere, many distractions, a lot of different circumstances... For example, you don't manage to close 20% in time to profit on the second day on Audi's interest rate decrease and you lose within a few seconds... I don't know why... I really don't know why - if anyone knows the answer, can you tell me? It's a mystery for me personally - how Audi - expectedly went down by 70 points (well, the bet), and then suddenly flew up by 140 points ... Well, yes - there are contradictory news... But this time there simply wasn't any!!! My trading robot was making 200+ trades on such contradictory news. You simply can't do that manually That's why formalization and automation

Well... the experiment is over. A negative result is also a result.

Bottom line: all those who claimed and still claim that 10% profit per day is easy are empty-nesters.

They teach you... I'll keep telling you - LEGO THIS!!! IT'S A PIECE OF CAKE! The hardest part is making sure that one bad trade does not outweigh 9 good trades!!!
Daniil Stolnikov:
That's how I get bored... there was... there is and there will be a movie... but I can't say exactly when. I thought today - it's a sin to refuse a freebie (RVD wanted to give me 10 bucks with a leverage of 1:1000), but they changed their mind - they need supporting documents - they'll get over it

After recent events they need to digest everything, rethink, formalize, automate and only after that one can continue. All the same, I have exceeded the risks - that's why I lost 17% on the first day and even more on the second.

Trading by hand is difficult - there are many things that disturb me, distract me, and many different circumstances... For example, you don`t have time to close 20% profit on the second day on decrease of Audi interest rate and you`re losing profit in a couple of seconds... I don't know why... I really don't know why - if anyone knows the answer, can you tell me? It's a mystery to me personally - how come Audi - expectedly flew down by 70 points (well, the bet), and then suddenly flew up by 140 points... Well, yes - there are contradictory news... But this time there was none! My trading robot made 200+ deals on such contradictory news. This is simply impossible to do by hand, that's why formalization and automation

Let's do PAMM! It's cooler there!

Whether it's"formalisation" or "and automation", it's cooler! Than here jerking off 10k! :-)

Roman Shiredchenko:

Let's do PAMM! It's cooler there!

Whether it's"formalisation" or "and automation", it's cooler! Than here jerking off 10k! :-)

There, Sensei has already opened PAMM -40 and he works great

PAMM is evil!!! There! You just need to make a big deposit, and then, bam! A rollover and good riddance to them! Or some daredevil will think about it first!