Make your first million - page 10

Earning 10% (or more) per day is easy, that's true, it's hard to keep it up, that's also true. The ways to do this are high risk scalping or low risk accurate "guessing" of the direction. Coming to reality, 97 days is too unreal term (maybe only for demo accounts), because of the slippage increase at increasing volumes. As for the reality of such an event, then on demo accounts, for example in FC's contests with spread in 4.0 points people increased from 1000 up to 1 million in a week (but there was neither slippage nor lack of liquidity at the requested price), the record would be up to 5 million and that with taking into account the limitation of maximum volume of currency in 100 units. So it's more a question of luck... Or if you manage to find a system, which is close to the ideal :))) The road is travelled by those who walk...
When is the new start?
Was there a finish line? ))
Earning 10% (or more) per day is easy, that's true, but it's hard to keep it up, that's also true. The ways to do this are high risk scalping or low risk accurate "guessing" of the direction. Coming to reality, 97 days is too unreal term (maybe only for demo accounts), because of the slippage increase at increasing volumes. Basically, speaking about the reality of this event, then on demo accounts, for example in FC's contests with spread in 4.0 points people increased from 1000 up to 1 million in a week (but there was neither slippage nor lack of liquidity at the requested price), the record would be up to 5 million and that with taking into account the limitation of maximum volume of currency in 100 units. So it's more a question of luck... Or if you manage to find a system, which is close to the ideal :))) If one walks the other way, the same thing happens...
Scalping? Yes. How else could it be?
Risk? Why not with a hundred in your pocket? ))
97 days? That's not long enough! Nevertheless, without a clear time limit there is a risk of stretching the pleasure for years :-D
Slippage on volumes? We have yet to live up to that :-D Let's deal with problems as they arise :)
Reality? Why not? ))
A demo is a demo! But if you trade on the demo without using arbitrage (and that is the only way to "pump up" the deposit in a week to such enormous values), the conditions are absolutely no different from the real ones.
Luck? Good question)) But probably you cannot do without it either!

We will make the road! I AM PROUD!!! Thanks for the cheerful comment! ;)
Scalping? Yes. How else could it be?
Risk? Who would do without it when you have a hundred in your pocket? ))
97 days? That's not long enough! Nevertheless, without a clear time limit there is a risk of stretching the pleasure for years :-D
Slippage on volumes? We have yet to live up to that :-D Let's deal with problems as they arise :)
Reality? Why not? ))
A demo is a demo! But if you trade on the demo without using arbitrage (and that is the only way to "pump up" the deposit in a week to such enormous values), the conditions are absolutely no different from the real ones.
Luck? Good question)) But probably you cannot do without it either!

We will make the road! I AM PROUD!!! Thanks for the cheerful comment! ;)

I did not say it for nothing about time limits. High risk scalping requires only precise entry points, and they do not always occur every day, like for sniper, and if the risk is maximum, then like for a sapper :) I personally believe, someone may not agree, sometimes you can jump in a racing train, but in this case I must count on luck again, I would not recommend to count on luck, because lately the market often goes against the fundamentals... :))) I try to do something like that, to earn 10% per month with relatively low risk - it's not a goal, but on the average 10% a day with reinvestments... :))) Let whoever wants to argue that it's not possible, but you can only do what you believe in, I believe... :)))

Scalping? Yes. How else?
Risk? Well, what can you do without it with a hundred in your pocket? ))
97 days? That's not long enough! Nevertheless, without a clear time limit there is a risk of stretching the pleasure for years :-D
Slippage on volumes? We have yet to live up to that :-D Let's deal with problems as they arise :)
Reality? Why not? ))
A demo is a demo! But if you trade on the demo without using arbitrage (and that is the only way to "pump up" the deposit in a week to such enormous values), the conditions are absolutely no different from the real ones.
Luck? Good question)) But probably you cannot do without it either!

We will make the road! I AM PROUD!!! Thanks for the cheerful comment! ;)
Scalping is probably the best TS.
Scalping is probably the best TS
Scalping is not scalping :)

In general, yes - with the right approach it is a lethal weapon. )) The only disadvantage - if you trade hands requires constant nervous and psychological tension.
Scalping is probably the best TS

Scalping gives the illusion that you are right almost all the time. It is unrealistic to make the same number of medium-term trades and get the same percentage of profitable ones.

But the result will be the same - a loss. In case of scalping it is faster.)


Scalping gives the illusion that you are right almost all the time. It is unrealistic to make the same number of medium-term trades and get the same percentage of profitable ones.

But the result will be the same - a loss. In case of scalping it is faster.)

... smoother.

Scalping gives the illusion that you are right almost all the time. It is unrealistic to make the same number of medium-term trades and get the same percentage of profitable ones.

But the result will be the same - a loss. In case of scalping it is faster.)

For 95% of respondents the result is really the same.) And it does not matter what system they use - scalping, intraday, medium term, long term, Ishimocki, reversal, rollback, Martin, etc...
... smoother.
Daily and weekly timeframe - for those who like to torture themselves slowly :-D