Rate of price change - page 4


1- Usually it is km/hour, etc. There are no kilometres here, there are ticks. It turns out ticks/unit of time.

2- And if you present the graph as a Renko, it turns out that speed= number of bricks per hour, as a brick is nothing but the distance travelled in ticks, by adjusting the size of the brick you get the analogue of cm, km, miles ..... like this

1-Maybe it should be points instead of ticks, because we measure the distance, let the average tick movement be 1 point, then N-Nptikt

2-We do not evaluate brick size in ticks but in points; the number of ticks may vary if they are "ticking" within a brick size; it is not included in the reno brick itself. Then how you have speed-number of bricks per hour=number of ticks per hour, it is not the same, if every brick had the same number of ticks then yes, but it is not, otherwise renko would not be renko but equal volume of ticks bars.


1-Maybe it is not ticks but points? We are measuring the path, let the average tick movement be 1 point, then N-N-points

2 - Our reno brick size is not measured in ticks but in points; the number of ticks may vary if they are "ticking" within the size of the brick - it is not considered in the reno brick. Then, as you have speed-number of bricks per hour=number of ticks per hour, it is not the same, if every brick had an equal number of ticks then yes, but it is not, otherwise renko would not be a renko but equal volume of ticks bars.

Yes you are right. Not ticks. I think you got the idea right. If now there is a breakdown into equal intervals on the X axis (we have time, minutes, 5mins etc).

Make an equal split on the Y-axis (bricks) chart will look different and show the properties that are not visible on the candlestick chart.

In my view, it makes no sense to do it for forex. But in a Renko-type breakdown, it does.


Now I'll tell you a secret. The tick story is not the most accurate. There are more accurate and better ones. Here's a link to the tumblr story watch the video it shows you how to download and play it...

You're confusing the concepts. By choosing the size of the brick (and the rules for building it too, by the way) I am in no way affecting the accuracy of the ticks. And what is tick accuracy anyway .... Is it accurate and not accurate? It's in the forex kitchens everything is inaccurate. On the stock exchange, on a real exchange, all ticks are the same for everyone. And the story is the same for everyone, because behind every tick there is a real buy/sell transaction.

And the statement of 30 points ... is not for me.

Z.I. Also, the fact that you have repeated the algorithm and have been impressed with the results is good. It gives you something to think about. The differences may have arisen if you have tested it on another symbol or had a different testing period.
I do not think you will be able to duplicate the battle algorithm (the screenshot below). It differs from the one that I have used as a training one. But the idea is the same as in the training video.

In the forex, there is a kitchen tick history, and on the stock exchange, too, there is a broker, and he also has his own history in fact, and his own ticker, to be exact. But your broker takes your transaction to the exchange, to which you do not have direct access.

My indicator automatically adjusts to the chart, and there are 2 periods to check the accuracy, so you can check if the algorithm is right on the test period.

Equivolume bars are of little interest to me.

Repeating an algorithm that is not described is really unlikely, and I don't need it.


.... the stock exchange has a broker too and it has its own story too in fact, and its own bet, to be exact. ....

Bullshit. Absolute ignorance and misunderstanding of the functioning of the stock exchange. You are confused or want to transfer your knowledge of the functioning of forex kitchens to the real exchange.

As soon as you can document this fact with a real broker, like a different bet or story. Write, I guarantee VERY big problems for this broker.

So just in case there are two certificates attached to this post. I recommend you download them and look at them carefully...


Bullshit. Absolute ignorance and misunderstanding of the functioning of the exchange. You are confused or want to transfer your knowledge of the functioning of forex kitchens to the real exchange.

As soon as you can fix that fact with a real broker, like a different bet or story. Write, I guarantee VERY big problems for this broker.

So just in case there are two certificates attached to this post. I recommend you download them and look at them carefully...

I agree nonsense is nonsense. Not wanting to make money on "wem .... not to choke on it", that's a fact. As for speed . What are you starting from? You mean 100 pips on the new one is speed and all the rest is nonsense? Or "pips on the old ....... What is speed to you? No I can go on with examples like for a motorist 40 km/h or so and for a bicycle owner it is most likely ..... And you can't read the primary sources? There is no such thing as speed. There is a concept called market making. And it is far from correct. Speed (from the basics of physics) is the sum of time and distance. Yes I agree that time is discrete (a topic for discussion), but what is the distance? Who defines it? Or will we measure it in kilometres?

My hint. It's up to you to use it or not. Take a candle from your favourite period for say years ...All that tails is noise. The real price is somewhere between the previous Close and the current Close. To really estimate the speed is to take the value of the candlestick's body ..... And the most important thing is to ignore when it went up.


Bullshit. Absolute ignorance and misunderstanding of the functioning of the exchange. You are confused or want to transfer your knowledge of the functioning of forex kitchens to the real exchange.

As soon as you can fix that fact with a real broker, like a different bet or story. Write, I guarantee VERY big problems for this broker.

So just in case there are two certificates attached to this post. I recommend you download them and look at them carefully...

You have to look at the different brokers' stacks in sync to be sure. I have Alpha.

I have these certificates too, but I prefer stats otherwise it looks like idle talk, hiding behind the successes of the past years (8 hours courses and you got it all?)).


You have to look at different brokers' stakes in sync to be sure. I have Alpha.

I have such certificates too, but I prefer stats otherwise it looks like idle chatter, hiding behind the successes of the past years (8 hours courses and you got it all?)).

Do you even read what others write.

What does this have to do with stateman. You claimed above that a real broker, has its own history and its own stack (I mean stock exchange). Show this, as soon as there is proof of this we will hang the broker by one place.

YOU are confusing forex kitchens and forex, with real brokers and the exchange. Proof of that, come on. You don't have anywhere near such certificates. You can't pass the exams with that kind of knowledge...


Do you even read what others write.

What has Stateman got to do with it. You claimed above that the real broker has its own history and its own bet (I mean exchange). Show this, as soon as there is proof of this we will hang the broker by one place.

YOU are confusing forex kitchens and forex, with real brokers and the exchange. Proof of that, come on. You don't have anywhere near such certificates. You can't pass the exams with that kind of knowledge...

Your courses will not let you hang yourself. You can start by comparing a chart of Gazprom shares, for example. The beginning of today's session.


Your rates will not allow you to hang anyone by one place, only if you hang yourself. For a start, you can compare the chart of Gazprom shares, for example. The beginning of today's session.

))) Boo ha ha. Blessed are those who believe.

And illiteracy again. Another one. I'm sick of it already. So in the future you need two objects for comparison. What are you going to compare this graph with?

Z.U. So as an enlightenment, every transaction at the exchange is registered and it has a unique number, by which you can track everything. What, where, when, how much, etc.

This is the history of transactions. It is the same for all. If suddenly it is different for any broker ... I repeat: this broker will not be satisfied.

You should stop showing your illiteracy, go to a course or something.


))) Boo ha ha. Blessed is he who believes.

Illiteracy again. Another one. I'm sick of it already. So in the future you need two objects for comparison. What are you going to compare this graph with?

Z.U. So as an enlightenment, every transaction at the exchange is registered and it has a unique number, by which you can track everything. What, where, when, how much, etc.

This is the history of transactions. It is the same for all. If suddenly it is different for any broker ... I repeat: this broker will not be satisfied.

You should stop showing your illiteracy, go to a course or something.

I can't wait to see what you're up to. As long as I believe in something you are not trying to dissuade me, although I have to point out what illiteracy is. Just diplomas and jumping from topic to topic. Are the charts coming out of this story or not? If you are right, it has nothing to do with the bullion. I would like to check my broker or something. I am aware of the deal flow, so I think the knowledge is the same. Have you heard of the over-the-counter market? They probably forgot to add it to your feed. The broker informs the exchange about it later and it has its own feed.