For the buyers and customers of Expert Advisors (trading robots), this is dedicated. - page 6


They just have such updates -- one place has an update and the other hasn't.

Don't pay attention to delays - everyone has them - not many people look at them.

It's more important to have an extra "plus" when you go to arbitration - so wait for the customer while you wait.

It is better to have a "plus" in arrears than a "plus" in arbitration - arbitration gets more attention, but it is not critical.

If you rush into arbitration, you will have a "plus" in arbitration and a "plus" in arrears.

OK, thank you!
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Zdrastvuyte mne nujen sovetnik katoriy otpravlyayet push notification onroid and iphone N kolicestvo userov. Kto mojet pomoqat mne v etom teme?

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What exactly is the "mathematical model"? A mathematical model should not be understood as a "one size fits all" product. Your personal mathematical model is individual. It is a set of rules for decision-making specifically by you (!) described in the exact language of numbers and formulas.

When I opened this theme, I thought that the concepts of complex analysis and mathematical model will be close to everyone and clear, but perhaps it is necessary to complete the main block of my theme, by putting some examples, so that people have a clear idea of the subject. I don't promise to do it urgently. It's a lot of work, but I'll do it for sure.

Good luck and profit to all!
Yes, I need a clear example of a simple model, even in step-by-step form. I'd be very grateful if you could tell me what kind of animal it is.
Ivan, the model is created in Excel, a well-known and powerful data analysis tool. The program Statistica is used. Special programmes are written for various specific analysis methods. The result is very clear graphs and analyses. The mathematical model thus created can, if necessary, be changed very quickly, corrected and new results obtained.

Are you serious about Excel? That's hilarious.

The set you're talking about is from yesterday and not very efficient.

There is no doubt that you need a model for the expert. Thank God there are so many of them today. There are plenty to choose from.

You are way out of line when it comes to the inability to track the changes in the EA's behaviour.

A lot of models are trained and retrained on the fly, optimized again on the fly if necessary. You need to properly set the criterion of quality and optimality. This is the task of a trader.

All you need for this and many other things are in R.

It would be good for you to update the tools.

Good luck


To be honest, it is not clear why you are not happy with the strategy tester? What complaints do you have about the results obtained in the tester?

After all, the tester is a mathematical model that checks the indicators and Expert Advisors. Why are you trying to create something similar but obviously worse?

I have a feeling that you are either not familiar with the strategy tester, or you do not understand how it works.

The tester is not a mathematical model at all. And it and the results of its work is not the height of perfection. So, an estimate.

Some people are satisfied with the results, others are not. But to make similar calculations in the expert and even better is not a problem.

That is why your statements are incorrect.

Good luck


Laryx, let's not go to extremes!))

. But on the historical interval of the last ten years the TS should work.

It is impossible to grasp the immensity. And why? The TS should be guaranteed to produce a positive result at a certain period of time. Determine the quality criterion of the TS and when it is below the limit you set, simply retrain the model or optimize its parameters. Do it directly in the Expert Advisor and don't ask how often it happens. I am surprised that this has to be explained to a mathematical modeler.

Just wondering: What specific models have you dealt with? Regression, classification? Can you be more specific?

The very general statement "mat model" leads to the same general discussion.

Good luck


For the wikipedia smarties:

Now answer the question: Does the tester fit the definition of a math model?

Doesn't fit exactly. Carefully re-read your quote and you will understand why. By the way, is this quote from your most trusted source?

This is the 7th page, and people like you are trying to explain that there is a model. The model is not perfect, but in my opinion it is the best that currently exists. MT5 tester.

The tester just simulates the execution of orders in the market. Nothing more. Where is the model? Is it so hard to understand?

Do you have something better? Demonstrate.

I do not know. Try to read this maybe then you will understand that there is a mathematical model.

Good luck


«Математическая модель»

You have to decide what mathematical model you are going to build.

1) At the input there is a "Market" OHLCV, a money tree grows there ;)))

2) The output should be Cash, with champagne and other attributes ;))).

It's just a matter of building a mathematical model of "input" --> "output" transformation ;))

All that remains is to turn dreams into reality ;))