For the buyers and customers of Expert Advisors (trading robots), this is dedicated. - page 5

I see that opinions are divided. So maybe right after the deadline or shortly before, go to arbitration.
There is no point, the arbitration tactic is "wait until the weekend", i.e. nothing depends on the contractor and there will be a delay anyway
There is no point, the arbitration tactic is "wait until the weekend", i.e. nothing depends on the contractor and there will be a delay in any case

So I'm writing to servicedesk, in any case this can happen to everyone. and about the order now just hope and believe, tomorrow there is still one day))

Ivan, the model is created in a well-known and powerful data analysis tool such as Excel. Statistica is used. Special programmes are written for various specific methods of analysis. The result is very clear graphs and analyses. The mathematical model thus created can, if necessary, be changed very quickly, corrected and new results obtained.
A mathematical model, in its usual sense, is not easy to create using the existing understanding of the methods of mathematical analysis. The market is much more complex than our methods and attempts to generalise it. Only a universal model, a variant of which I have proposed, can compete with it. But no one wants to even go into its essence and so all attempts at a trivial approach are doomed.

So I'll write to servicedesk, it can happen to anyone anyway. and about the order, now just hope and believe, there's still one more day tomorrow))

it's not clear what overdue you're talking about - you don't have any orders in progress
it's not clear what kind of overdue you're talking about - you don't have any orders in progress

This is strange.


This is odd.

more bizarre is the interface of this resource:


It's weird.

What's weird about it?

the more bizarre interface of this resource:

Maybe it should appear on completion. I can also show a screenshot from the comments - and the ToV agreement is confirmed, etc.
What's so strange?
Strange that I suddenly had no work in progress according to forum members.
Maybe it should show up when the job is done. I can show you a screenshot from the comments - and the ToV agreement is confirmed, etc.

They just have such updates -- one place has an update and the other hasn't.

Don't pay attention to delays - everyone has them - not many people look at them.

It's more important to have an extra "plus" when you go to arbitration - so wait for the customer while you wait.

It is better to have a "plus" in arrears than a "plus" in arbitration - arbitration gets more attention, but it is not critical.

If you rush into arbitration, you will have a "plus" in arbitration and a "plus" in arrears.