Market prediction based on macroeconomic indicators - page 39

Rafael Sahibgareev:
I agree that Nobel is given for crap, sometimes, but you can find a lot of interesting things there too ............ Have you seen the movie "margin call"?

I've been watching.

To me, all these asset valuations based on their stock exchange quotes are either complete morons or scams designed for complete morons. A particularly bright star in this debunking is the efficient market hypothesis.

Let me explain.

Socialism is known to be a planned system. So the plan was developed on the basis of such a notion as "capacity" of an enterprise, by which was meant a certain potency to carry out the actions intended for the enterprise: to brew steel, to mine coal...

Here is an example. Suppose there are two exactly the same enterprises, with the same raw materials, number of workers and products, etc.. Except for one thing - one of them has newer, albeit identical equipment to the old one. Here they were able to assess this fact and the capacity of the enterprise with the newer equipment was greater than with the older one. In all branches of industry, there were specialists, whole departments, who knew how to calculate the capacity of an enterprise. In general, each branch had its own economic and mathematical institute. This was apart from similar institutes at central departments, at the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and at the Academy of Sciences of Republika Srpska.

As they say, feel the difference.

True, none of these people were awarded the Nobel Prize. Although, for example, as I understand it, the whole ideology of optimal planning in the world came out of the USSR.


Nobel for the fact that the planned economy has proven completely unviable over a long period of time?

You don't get a Nobel for experimenting on several generations of living people

Nobel for proving a planned economy completely unsustainable over a long period of time?

Don't talk, the enemy is listening.

You take the statistics and compare them. In 1928 80% of the population lived in villages, 70% of them illiterate. In two five-year plans, 1500 modern factories! By 1944, owing to technological breakthrough, the volume of military production was equalized with that of united Europe with technological superiority of armaments. And in 50-60 years we got to the level of the 2nd power in the world, and in whole highly technological branches surpassing the West. Just a vertical rise compared to capitalism. No crises or trend correction.


True, except for jeans and coke. But here to each his own. If you can do the math and only see the trousers, you're absolutely right.

СанСаныч Фоменко:

Don't talk, the enemy is listening.

You take the statistics and compare them. In 1928 80% of the population lived in villages, 70% of them illiterate. In two five-year plans, 1500 modern factories! By 1944, owing to technological breakthrough, the volume of military production was equalized with that of united Europe with technological superiority of armaments. And in 50-60 years we got to the level of the 2nd power in the world, and in whole highly technological branches surpassing the West. Just a vertical rise compared to capitalism. No crises or trend correction.


True, except for jeans and coke. But here to each his own. If you can do the math and only see the trousers, you're absolutely right.

Don't talk.

1. the planned economy is completely unsustainable in the long term.

2. a planned economy is ideal for the stage of preparing the country for war or warfare. The 30s the country was preparing for war, the 40s was fighting a war.

3. The five-year plans of the 30s and 1500 modern factories Bought from the WEST are the result of collectivisation. Collectivisation as acknowledged by "the greatest leader of all times" cost over 10 million human lives.

4. after the 60s there were no jeans or cola, and bread was bought abroad every year because people had nothing to eat.


Don't talk.

1. the planned economy is completely unsustainable over the long term.

So, for information. Planned economies are already everywhere - from the USA to Europe. Waiting for the collapse of capitalism? :)

Don't talk.

1. over the long term, a planned economy is completely unsustainable.

2. a planned economy is ideal for the stage of preparing the country for war or fighting. The 30s the country was preparing for war, the 40s was fighting a war.

3. The five-year plans of the 30s and 1500 modern factories Bought from the WEST were the result of collectivisation. Collectivisation as acknowledged by "the greatest leader of all times" cost over 10 million human lives.

4. after the 60s there were no jeans or cola, and bread was bought abroad every year because people had nothing to eat.

1.Over the long term, a planned economy is completely unsustainable.

Give me the figures.

2. A planned economy is ideal for the stage where the country is preparing for war or military operations. In the 30s the country was preparing for war, in the 40s it was fighting a war.

And in the 50s and 60s? And what was happening to the standard of living? And other stuff that had nothing to do with the war? Give me the figures again: education level, life expectancy, food consumption...

3. The five-year plans of the 30s and 1500 modern factories Bought from the West are the result of collectivisation.

Yes Bought. True it is not clear who built them and who worked for them.... And now we have been waiting for investors for 25 years. And the starting conditions now and the late 20s are not to be compared...

Collectivization as acknowledged by "the greatest leader of all times and peoples" cost more than 10 million human lives.

Just a blatant lie. The population of the USSR increased by 4 million people from 30 to 40 years. You must be confused with the US. They're the ones who saw their population drop by 7 million during that time. People starved to death, and to maintain prices food was exported to the ocean and drowned. The market, fuck it...

There is no need to sling mud. Educate yourself. Study statistics and stay away from the liberals - they lie themselves.

Yuriy Asaulenko:
So, for information. The planned economy is already everywhere - from the US to Europe. Waiting for the collapse of capitalism? :)
Yes? And here I thought it was market economy, not planned economy.... Turns out the goddamn state department is planning socks and iPhones a year in advance!
Yuriy Asaulenko:
So, for information. The planned economy is already everywhere - from the US to Europe. Waiting for the collapse of capitalism? :)
At the enterprise level. But there is no balance between enterprises and industries - there is market regulation. It would be OK, maybe, if it weren't for futures, which are multiples of all the assets in the world.
СанСаныч Фоменко:

1. The USSR collapsed with its planned economy after 70 years.

2. The 50-60s were the period of Khrushchev's economic experiments. After 60s despite price increases under Brezhnev the decline of socialism and agony under the late Brezhnev

3. Soviet people worked and worked as hard as they could - the quality of Zhiguli assembled on an Italian line was like in the USSR and not like in Italy

4. Collectivization in the USSR in the 30's cost 10 million lives only according to Comrade Stalin. All materials are in the public domain. For the especially gifted - even Wikipedia at the link "Collectivisation in the SSR".


1. The USSR collapsed with its planned economy after 70 years.

2. The 50-60s were the period of Khrushchev's economic experiments. After 60s despite price increases under Brezhnev the decline of socialism and agony under the late Brezhnev

3. Soviet people worked and worked as hard as they could - the quality of Zhiguli assembled on an Italian line was like in the USSR and not like in Italy

4. Collectivization in the USSR in the 30's cost 10 million lives only according to Comrade Stalin. All materials are in the public domain. For the especially gifted - even on Wikipedia at the link "Collectivisation in the USSR".

You know best.

These posts are redundant on this thread, apart from my post about the "power" of enterprises.