Theorem on the presence of memory in random sequences - page 22

Yury Reshetov:

Associate Professor, probability theory is the theory of patterns of random variables.

Random variables have regularities in separate segments, and the beginning and extent of these regularities are also random.

And in forex, no one can tell when they start and when they end.

Yury Reshetov:
That's right! Don't teach the "scientists". How can there be regularities in probabilities? This is all the machinations of "pseudo-science" in the form of "pseudo-theorems" and "pseudo-laws".
You see, Yuri (although I don't think you do), you are now demonstrating your complete misunderstanding of the very meaning of the science of probability theory. You really don't understand what probability theory is, what it deals with and what it is for. It's an impenetrable thicket.
Petros Shatakhtsyan:

Random variables have regularities in separate segments, and the beginning and extent of these regularities are also random.

And in forex, no one can tell when they start and when they end.

They are not patterns but coincidences. There is no relationship between random phenomena other than coincidences due to probabilities.
Yousufkhodja Sultonov:
I agree, this refers to general regularities of random variables, e.g. in the case of gas regularities. The memory claim refers to a private pattern, which needs to be proven. But it's unlikely to be rigorously proven.

What is there to prove?

If there is a function i = f(j) such that p(xi) ≠ p(xj | xi), it is enough and sufficient to give such a function and substitute it in the inequality to prove the presence of memory in the sequence of random variables: x1, x2, ..., xn.

However, for some "scientists" (let's not point the finger) such proofs are unprovable, as they contradict their personal worldview.

Petros Shatakhtsyan:

Random variables have regularities in separate segments, and the beginning and extent of these regularities are also random.

And in forex, no one can tell when they start and when they end.

Everything is 100% correct, except exactly the opposite - all theorist and matstatistics are based on the law of large numbers.
Everything is 100% correct, only just the opposite - all theoretical and mathematical statistics are based on the law of large numbers.

Don't get into an argument with "scientists" lest you be called a layman. Where do "laws" come from when we are talking about some particular cases as random coincidences?

Dmitry Fedoseev:
These are not regularities but coincidences. There is no relationship between random phenomena except for coincidences due to probabilities.
Yury Reshetov:


So be it, I'll have to give a lecture on the school theorist to the ardent spokesmen for "science" who rely on faith rather than conventional terminology.

I was just... perpetuating a thought.
Yury Reshetov:

What is there to prove?

If there is a function i = f(j) such that p(xi) ≠ p(xj | xi), then it is only necessary and sufficient to quote such a function to prove the absence of memory in the sequence of random variables: x1, x2, ..., xn.

However, for some "scientists" (let's not point the finger) such proofs are unprovable, as they contradict their personal worldview.

It is not the absence of memory that must be proved, but its presence. That there is no memory is obvious from the definition of a random sequence of numbers or phenomena.
Yousufkhodja Sultonov:
You have to prove the presence of memory, not its absence.

Uh-huh. Got it wrong and got it mixed up.

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:
That there is no memory is obvious from the definition of a random sequence of numbers or phenomena.
Why the hell not?
Yury Reshetov:
Where do we poor dilettantes get off. After all, "scientific" knowledge is available only to a select few who hang out at academies and have bought, or bought through bribes, "scientific" degrees. After all, any opinion made by a mere mortal is "false" by default, if it contradicts the personal opinion of a "scientist".
The size of your cockroaches is unimaginable.