Ode to martingale - page 8


I wish I had your problems! :)

Plenty of books, plenty of ideas, plenty of opportunities on the market - take your pick.

I have a different problem, to implement EVERYTHING...whatever I take on, it's all in a tenner.... :-) I'm angry... And the options are not diminishing .... it's the other way round...
I have a different problem, ALL of it...whatever I take on, it's all in a tenner.... :-) It's maddening... And the options are not diminishing .... It's more the other way round...
Maybe my understanding or logic or lack of knowledge of Russian - but as I understand it from the last word "on the contrary" - that all these must be inverted. Do I understand it correctly?
Maybe my understanding or logic or lack of knowledge of Russian is to blame - but as I understood from the last word "reverse" - that all the above needs to be inverted. Am I getting it right?
Nope, not right, vice versa...

And they deleted my thread, Renate, for consideration.......... I don't think the moderator is overthinking it on behalf of the service...... or overdid... I don't know which is right :-)

Really means what was in the thread and there were no arguments....


They deleted my thread....... I don't think the moderator was overthinking.... on behalf of the service...... or overkill... I don't know which is right :-)

Really means what was in the thread and there were no arguments....

What topic are we talking about? I haven't followed your other thread.
Which topic are we talking about? I haven't followed your other thread.
On the subject of MQLs dumping their clients... for nothing...
On the subject of MQLs leaking their clients... for nothing...
If I were a moderator I would delete such a topic too:)

First - I do not know what was in the subject

Second - the name of the thread contradicts the interests of mql - think about who would like to get his own name blackened on his site.

Third - Good luck to you! Bye!


First - I do not know what was in the subject

Second - the name of the thread contradicts the interests of mql - think about who would like to get his own name blackened on his site.

Third - Good luck! Bye!

Thanks for the chat, good luck!

And about the interests - don't tell.... this is a very interesting topic...

Well who wants to see the denouement of the intrigue from the deleted thread, Welkom go mein tranmission.... not today but monday, tuesday will be resolved to my satisfaction...

And the posts are disappearing in this thread too..... would trade better as branches are being cleaned up....