Ode to martingale - page 2

Moderate greed is good!
Moderation and greed are not overlapping sets, imho
Can you expand on that thought? If I googled it correctly, (German)
Geiz ist geil "Geiz ist geil" literally "greed is good" in the sense of "don't buy expensive".
I agree, you should smoke less....
Geiz ist geil "geiz ist geil" literally "greed is good" in the sense of "don't buy expensive"
"greed is good" - I get that, but shopping is new to me.....
"greed is good" - I get that, but shopping is something new to me.....

it was once the slogan of a major electronics retailer "SATURN"




it was once the slogan of a major electronics retailer "SATURN"



Googling it made me realise that greed makes you happy, stingy is smarter, greed is cool... Yeah, it's worth thinking about.
By googling - got it Greed makes you happy, stingy is smarter, greed is cool ... Yeah, it's worth thinking about.
It's not a saying, it's a sales slogan. Think about it.

I made myself another page in the blogs of the same name, I venture to duplicate the thread on the forum, maybe someone can fix a roof, please do not consider it a problem, like this :-)

To quote the blog's topicstarter


Original datum

Most lose.


Thinking outside the box


I had such an idea for a long time, but I didn't have time to write it. Well, if you ignore that - that punctuation marks in this text will suffer, and I can skip letters.... there is no reason not to make my point.

An attempt to circumvent the original datum can be formulated as follows - all common statements about the market are bullshit!

You have to try to think like a lesser...... thinks and it turns out to be quite simple in fact.

So - let's try to look at the market - just the opposite.

1) The trend is our friend - the Flat is our friend. :-)

2) Stop should be shorter than Take - Take should be shorter than Stop :-)

3) Hold profitable positions and cover unprofitable ones - Hold unprofitable positions and cover profitable ones quicker.

4) Do not cover losing positions - Cover losing positions.

If your broker has a good working relationship with my broker, it should be noted that I have a good working relationship with my broker, so I should try to answer all these questions. Regarding the fifth point, I would like to discuss, I think anything above the bank interest on deposits. is our trader's field, all the rest is greed, to one extent or another. I live in the ruble space, and, against the backdrop of current events. Whereas before I thought that 10% in dollars a year was a total niche, now I think that 20% on a dollar deposit is a niche, why so......because it covers the return on ruble deposits.

As some argument i suggest to look at my signal, open to discussion, suggestions and debate

Yes one should think outside the box, that's for sure, but I don't agree with those 5 points. All on the grounds that by taking these statements you have not gone beyond the way everyone thinks. You must not remake old truths to the contrary, you must create your own truths that are fundamentally different from those commonly accepted. It is necessary to create something of your own, and the more it is not clear to others (namely not clear, not stupid), the more chances to earn. We take books on markets, read, study, sit on forums, communicate, learn something new, and then we put it all out of our heads and build our trading without relying on most of the nonsense that we learned before, leaving only what is really useful!
Now in order:
1) there are no trends, there are no flotsam, it's just an illusion imposed on you by books, other people's opinions and the time sampling of tick data.
2) Profit should not be higher, lower, or equal to the stop! Profit should be related to the stop, so that at a given percentage of profitable trades you will have a stable profit. Profit may not be at all, and stop too! It is better if they are corrected according to the current situation, provided that the situation is tracked correctly.