FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 2097

Greece is really about nothing. They seem to have agreed on everything. And no reaction downwards or upwards.
All the analysts wrote that no matter how the Greeks are solved the eu is bad.
All the analysts wrote that no matter how the Greeks are solved the eu is bad.

The idea would have been positive for the euro if it had been excluded from the EU, but it would have been negative in the long term.

It seems to be all and nothing is happening here. So Greece is not that big of a deal for Europe.


No, this one!

I mean, Schumacher, are we gonna have a bang soon?
Evgenya1: changing traditions))
Zhenya.There was another tradition here too...
Sometimes to give our ladies flowers))) Catch...
Guys... join in...

For Evgenya1...


For Malfrida...


For Malfrida...

one life, one love. zx, Margot!

I'll grease up for the girls, too =)

one life, one love.
The North looked in... maybe Margot will one day...
Where are the flowers?))) Don't be shy)))
Wizard, I'll tell you a secret trick. You can't love smart women, everyone knows that, but you can love very smart ones!
Wizard, I'll tell you a secret trick. You can't love smart chicks, everyone knows that, but you can love very smart ones!
Don't corrupt the young!))