FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 2086

It will not go anywhere, it is better to short the eu on the rise while they give
sell-limit charge 1.1080 stop 1.1095 TP 1.1050 (stop 15 pips if no, drawdown expected 5-6 pips)
why is the chif on the figure?
Leave the chif alone, that's why the canadian is not going down, the bastard
leave the chif alone, that's why the canadian is not going down

wait, i think the quid will go down to everything - chif is the first to go, the eur a bit,

then the canadian and the audi will come in

sell limit charged 1.1080 stop 1.1095 TP 1.1050 (stop 15 pips if not, drawdown expected 5-6 pips)
may not get there

wait, i think the quid will go down to everything - chif is the first to go, the eur a bit,

then the Canadian and the Audi will come in

Why does everyone think the quid has to go down on everything? Look at gold, it will keep going down
The pound is going well, the eura is a perverse no-go.

you can't close on the move...

Why does everyone think the quid has to go down on everything? look at gold, it will keep going down.

It'll go up a bit, then it'll go down again, it doesn't matter.

Strange said the quid is dead.

The eu did not break through 1.10 plus/minus - the penny - and started creeping up slowly,

The chiff has gone up.

The AUDI, look at the upside.

FUNT went away !!!!!!!!!

what happened? news?


A gift(hint) to the residents of this forum, good luck to all.

Thank you all...

Good luck...


And the pound has a boner...

Shored up.