FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 2039

The moderator who unbanished the Old One gets -
Plus karma, a couple of profitable trades, honor and respect!

Maybe while the mood is good and Ishim can be unbanned ?)))


My point is, who pays the full cost of the futures? 1 к 1? That's enough go, and it's not the full cost, i.e. the same leverage, whatever you want to call it.

By the way, the pound bet at the close, blue selllimit, red bylimit

you are absolutely right, but this concept is meaningless for banks - because for a bank to add go to the exchange is a simple - "Vasya's share" in a typical situation,

you can of course imagine a situation where "Vasya has no money" - but what does it mean for the bank?

the bank can borrow money in the interbank market and send it as a go to the stock exchange... this is for example and this is out of the realm of fiction...

what should we compare the open position with ? with the usual go (the usual Vasya) , with the value of the bank as a whole or with what ?

realistically there is a hierarchy - Vasya, senior Vasya, senior senior Vasya ...

If you exceed the limit, just Vasya controls it - it's a common occurrence and happens like once a week - Vasya just refills the money,

if it is too much, he approves it with senior Vassya, then the risk committee and so on...

then there is the control of the Central Bank

If we hear these two figures, I am sure that no one has ever seen or even heard of such a leverage.) And it's all perfectly legal, this is the reality of life)
he's got different banks. some are uppers, others are unis.

Give your company a short name (+link)... then delete it...
Better tell me what is the authorized capital of your bank) And how many loans it can issue against it)) If we hear these two figures, I'm sure that no one in his life, not only have not seen, but have not even heard))) And it's all perfectly legal, that's the reality of life)

There are different kinds of credit ...

secured and unsecured

Secured loans are different - everyone knows that the interest rate on a mortgage is lower than on a consumer loan - because the flat is a security - if something happens it can be sold ...

so it's not the right question as you know

Basically there are "Risks" and there are regulations approved by the Central Bank ,

internationally there is Basel

but i don't know as much about it as you do.


how come you got banned so fast?


Ilya, look in your personal message. Sorry for the delay.

You are absolutely right, but this is a meaningless concept for banks - because for a bank to put a stake in a stock exchange is simply a "share for Vasya" in a typical situation,

of course we can imagine a situation where "Vasya has no money" - but what does it mean for the bank?

the bank can borrow money in the interbank market and send it as a go to the stock exchange... this is for example and this is from the realm of fantasy...

what should we compare the open position with ? the usual go (it's being filled by the usual Vasya) , with the value of the bank as a whole or with what ?

realistically there is a hierarchy - Vasya, senior Vasya, senior senior Vasya ...

If you exceed the limit, just Vasya controls it - it's a common occurrence and happens like once a week - Vasya just adds more money,

if it is too much, he approves it with Vasya, then the risk committee and so on...

then there is the control of the tsB.

The Central Bank is nothing before the market and has no name.

As for credits, there is no need to weasel. We all understand that "collateral" if it exists in nature, it often does not), it must be taken out))). So a loan is a loan. So how many times the authorized capital, 10,000?) This is a scam, the gangsters of the 1990s are smoking)))

i drank vodka with these bankers in the late 80s. then i worked like a fool, then i remembered that i was smart. what the hell guarantees against real estate? say that in Donetsk and Deitroit. you guys live in some drawn-out world. weirdos, it will soon be over.
i drank vodka with these bankers in the late '80s. then i worked like a fool, then i remembered that i was smart. what the hell guarantees against real estate? say that in Donetsk and Deitroit. you guys live in some drawn-out world. weirdos, it will soon be over.

Any funds do not give any guarantees, as always. long term - sell, on any chip.

Europe, for example, which took out loans to build funds (stocks, factories), and now has a pre-crisis situation, because world-class concerns are obsolete, and their shares do not count. the debt is still growing. such debt is easy to manage - move the course backwards... and you never get it back, and the amount of debt proceeds is still the same.

i drank vodka with these bankers in the late 80s. then i worked like a fool, then i remembered that i was smart. what the hell guarantees against real estate? say that in Donetsk and Deitroit. you guys live in some drawn-out world.
That's what I'm talking about. That's why I put the word "provision" in quotes. And the rest is out of the question.