FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 2038


Looked at HIS thread, his forecasts are going the other way every week and such solid moves are showing five or more)))) Not good, another crisis smells like))))

See p. 18 there)))

Strange, throw me the link, please.
And the main thing is that you can't come here and show us)))
Sensei! Don't be selfish! Show us something here...
He's getting old, he won't make it, he wants everyone to come to his cave to be initiated there))))
Who is this sensei?

Yes, the moderators clean it up all the time.

I made it. Too bad I can't see the papyrus pinned.)
Show me something here...

Here, I opened it today...



Ok. It's even easier with vertical ones, you don't need geometry, the only coordinate that changes is time.

Make a 3-digit colour - R G B . Add/subtract and you'll get what you want.

If you don't erase trends, you'll have a rainbow on your screen.)

If you do it on 5p, don't forget to open a thread "Have you seen this pattern?"... Let's see...

(If you don't like it, there's also C M Y K. I don't know if 5pc supports it)

Each line should have a smooth change in at least one of R G B. The width of the line is like a histogram. There will be up to 10 overlapping lines with different coordinates of start, end and direction. That's why the code turns out to be very cumbersome and therefore slow. I was hoping for a hint for a shorter way... Thanks anyway.
I want a Sensei!

My Good Teacher, but why don't you say something?)))

What was Strenge banned for? He only posts in this thread and hasn't done anything here...
Why was Strenge banned? I think he only writes in this thread, but I don't think he's done that here...
Better tell me what is the authorized capital of your bank) And how many loans against it he can give)) If we hear these two figures, I'm sure that no one in his life, not only have not seen, but never even heard))) And it's all perfectly legal, that's the reality of life)