FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 1984


Don't make my slippers laugh. Investing in WHAT???? The Illich bulb collective farm?

They'll steal it right away. The very next day.

There is a normal collective farm named after Ilyich) I found a site which is not local.

Украина вошла в тройку крупнейших экспортеров зерна
Украина вошла в тройку крупнейших экспортеров зерна
  • 2014.07.28
Украина вошла в тройку крупнейших мировых экспортеров зерна в 2013-2014 маркетинговом году (МГ), поставив за пределы страны 32,3 миллиона тонн продукции. Об этом сообщает ИТАР-ТАСС. Впереди по этому показателю только США (72,3 миллиона тонн) и ЕС (38,5 миллиона тонн). В завершившимся 1 июля 2013-14 МГ Украине удалось обойти признанные «житницы...
Vladimir Zubov:

A normal collective farm named after Ilyich) I specifically found a website that is not local.

Sell, of course, easier than to produce or grow ))) what about the current stock? ))
It's certainly easier to sell than to produce or grow ))) what about current stocks? ))
So who grew it that year? If more is produced than consumed and there is demand in the market, then of course it goes for export. I've got 6 hectares sown myself, as they say, I contribute to the common cause. This year the harvesting of winter crops has just begun. The total harvest will only be known by September.
Vladimir Zubov:
So who grew it that year? If there is more produced than consumed and there is demand in the market, then of course it goes for export. I myself have 6 hectares sown, as they say, I contribute to the common cause. This year the harvesting of winter crops has just begun. The total harvest will only be known by September.

No one is saying that selling out was not theirs. It's just that producing less than they sell out means one thing - selling out. At that rate, we could have claimed 1st place))

Look at the statistics on grain produced and sold. Do you know if the prices of flour and bread have fallen? )) Due to the oversupply of products )))


No one is saying that selling out was not theirs. It's just that producing less than they sell out means one thing - selling out. At that rate, we could have claimed 1st place))

Look at the statistics on grain produced and sold. Do you know if the prices of flour and bread have fallen? )) Due to the oversupply of products )))

The price of bread includes transportation, processing and energy costs in addition to wheat. The cost of wheat itself does not exceed 40% of the final product. But even with that, the average price depending on the weight and quality of the loaf of bread is 0.25-0.5 dollars, which is relatively not expensive. There are also social varieties which are even cheaper.

Цены в Европе: еда, жилье, транспорт
Цены в Европе: еда, жилье, транспорт
Цены в Европе: еда, жилье, транспорт
Ukraine has been selling grain to Europe for 250-300 years. It was the breadbasket of both Tsarist Russia and the Soviets, so centuries of experience cannot be lost so quickly... My great-grandfather was the manager of Count Branicki's mill in Bila Tserkva, one of the few flour mills that Europe used to buy for gold...
Vladimir Zubov:

The price of bread includes transport, processing and energy costs in addition to wheat. The cost of wheat itself does not exceed 40% of the final product. But even taking this into account, the average price depending on the weight and quality of the loaf is 0.25-0.5$, which is not expensive. So there is also a social grade, which is even cheaper.

And in the final product "flour" how much wheat?)) the price of flour dropped? Because of the "oversupply" of grain?))

And what do you say about grain production during the "sell-out" period?))

Sorry for the flood ))) the questions are rhetorical, no need to go on...)

Ukraine has been selling grain to Europe for 250-300 years. It was the breadbasket of tsarist Russia, and the Soviets, so centuries of experience cannot be lost so quickly ... My great-grandfather was the manager of Count Branicki's mill in Bila Tserkva, one of the few flour mills that Europe used to buy for gold...

And not just to Europe... sold out. Times change.

A century's worth of experience can disappear in a few years. And there are not a few examples in modern history.


If you change positions every two days, how can you go fishing?


the pindos have been selling treasuries. that's why the tank is growing. if the situation changes, gold is the best bet. so far, the yen is the only hope for counter-trand.

he's got no hope for a year at least, or they'll get angry...

I read above about 20 farts. It's not the right analysis to take it... you have to scratch levels first and watch where the level is coming from - a tapered triangle is usually the way to trade. North was drawing somewhere. he was right actually...