FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 1862

Alexey Busygin:
Are you in a hurry to salt it?
Maybe it's a bit early, I wish we could wait for confirmation, but what's done is done.
Alexey Busygin:

Trying to decipher a secret message!

Don't bother, he said in plain text there The pound is mine and I'm milking it

I wonder how many pounds he's got in there now 3.5 or 4

)) I look at the data from the CME trades)) the balance of power by expiry time)))))))) Well, I admire you very much! So it is worthwhile to continue studying these dares//

kind of like this lunatic:

and eureka:


1.61 on the pound probable....

2.11 too...

just when and conditions )

Nikolai Romanovskyi:
The pound is so fast, we may hit 1.60 for sure, although I have already started to salt it. I may be in a hurry :(
I am going to take shorts on the pound through the stop. The pick will not get there and it is too far ahead. 1.61 - why not? Sometimes very unsuccessful positions shoot.
Nikolai Romanovskyi:
Maybe it's a little early, I wish I could wait for confirmation, but what's done is done.
That's right, you don't have to say what you can't say!
Alexey Busygin:
Is there a rush to salt?
Perhaps if today stays behind RSI 70 on the daily.
It's time to digest, so the news is in.
Yesterday EURUSD had a weaker rise than GBPUSD, maybe it's time to buy the EURGBP cross?

maybe it will shoot... down...