FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 1856


moonlighting ends, I'll buy, until the sick people sober up...

someone got what they wanted, just can't remember who.
Nikolai Romanovskyi:
I wonder where to slow down , may I show one more of my dumb pictures ?) I got a 50% fibo on d1 , I think we should correct it and then we will see.
What is 50% fibo? It does not mean anything to me)
What is 50% fibo? It says nothing to me)
I think it's half of the shit that we put up with when the pound was falling, and now it has grown)) and such nice bounces occur from these levels .Don't listen to me, it's dangerous for the deposit))
What is 50% fibo? It doesn't mean anything to me)
Clever, just like you teacher.
A pound is handed out to you.
I'm looking forward to more stories on audi)))))

today no...

no koloputov.... I'll draw it tomorrow, from my heart and without self-interest...

and for the price of a night:


today no...

no koloputov.... I'll draw it tomorrow, from my heart and without self-interest...

and for the price of a night out:

Ilya, you're not a warrant officer, think about it.
Ilya, you're not a warrant officer, think about it.

so the warrant officers were more advanced...

there's alcohol in the warehouse or some other stuff...

So live and learn (that's how I am so far...)


so the warrant officers were more advanced...

there's alcohol in the warehouse or other stuff...

so live and learn( that's howI am so far...)

FOREX - Тенденции, прогнозы и следствия 2015
FOREX - Тенденции, прогнозы и следствия 2015
FOREX - Тенденции, прогнозы и следствия 2015. - Страница 1622 - Категория: общее обсуждение