FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications 2015 - page 1855

But, at some point it will be raised anyway.
But, at some point, it will be lifted anyway.
July, September
Is something starting to happen?
Daniil Stolnikov:
July, September

What about these dates?

Actually, this "waiting" is about the second year.


a lot of things worked out today....

no charity, just...

a little snack time ???

and you have to sleep in tonight:

Worth buying in euros and gold. Gains are solid, looks like they will go even higher and I'm not comfortable leaving...(
(I've read it, it's a country of frightened idiots))) Worthless pictures, stupidity and darkness))))
I dont know where to go, i got stupid 150pts in d1) , i wonder where to slow down.) I got a 50% chance to correct it and then we will see
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Nikolai Romanovskyi:
It's not so dumb 150p )) the question is where do we slow down?
In space...

the lunation is over, I'll buy, until the sick people sober up...

I look forward to hearing more about the audi)))))