What do you think of the gold joke? - page 6


Why gold? Gold doesn't give power, whoever doesn't appreciate gold has no power over him. Power is the ability to persuade.

Why gold? What's the point of the game?

Well you seem to have answered your own question: the essence of the game in modern society is a system of compromise and trust.

You elect the leadership of the state - so you cede your right to have your own opinion (including your opinion on the monetary systems and monetary policy of the state).

You receive banknotes from employers (or other ways of earning money) and you trust that the state will provide for the exchange of banknotes for the goods (services) that interest you, which in theory is equivalent to the amount of your labour. It is a democratic society! It is very simple! )))))


if you imagine a crisis-apocalypse, of course the superstructure loses value.

the important thing would be to get water, medicine, food, weapons.

everything else would be meaningless.

There has to be something that's valued everywhere and always. Gold fulfills this function perfectly.

As for the initial stage of survival, yes it has no value, but for development and trade, it is very valuable.

If no one here appreciates gold and does not understand its value and does not know what to do with it.

I will figure something out)).


Why gold? Gold doesn't give power, whoever doesn't appreciate gold has no power over him. Power is the ability to persuade.

Why gold? What's the point of the game?

You are this, I have pots lying around, I can give you, and you give me the gold.)

By golly, the value of gold from fetishism.

You may not be able to convince everyone, there is little difference between man and man.

You need some thing, a relic given by God himself, to be more different )

No thing revolt on a ship and "goodbye native teachers" ) )

gold is needed for relationships.

I will not go through with it though.)

ZS: although ... The Incas had a lot of gold and didn't value it as much as the Europeans.


Well, you seem to have answered your own question: the essence of the game in modern society is a system of compromise and trust.

You elect your government, so you cede your right to have your own opinions (including your opinions on monetary systems and government monetary policy).

You receive banknotes from employers (or other ways of earning money) and you trust that the state will provide for the exchange of banknotes for the goods (services) that interest you, which in theory is equivalent to the amount of your labour. It is a democratic society! It is very simple! )))))

I hope you are joking?

there has to be something that is valued everywhere and always. Gold fulfils this function perfectly.

And it has done so for thousands of years.

gold cannot be a currency for a long time

for example because http://www.cbr.ru/statistics/credit_statistics/ms.asp and http://www.cbr.ru/hd_base/default.aspx?Prtid=mrrf_m

no commodity has the liquidity and compactness to be money

financial obligations partly satisfy, but they are not completely liquid either.

Money cannot be a commodity by definition. What's traded on exchanges isn't Money, it's more like a promissory note.

As the classics determined long ago: Money is the measure of value of commodities. For it to work, it needs a standard of measurement. Gold was the standard.

It's like any science. As Lomonosov said: "Science begins where there is measurement". But measurement without a standard is absurd. Which proves the state of the so-called science of economics. It is as if a meter in Africa were 125 cm, in Europe 300 cm and in Russia 90 cm. How far would science go with such measurements?

Abolishing the standard of measurement, we get a "rubber" meter. The so-called "econometrics" justifies the existence of such a measure.

The rules that started this thread remind me of an old joke:

"-I have twenty-one!

-I'm sorry, but we have twenty-three today."

Like this.

A little off-topic, but a very funny video:

A brief history of US foreign policy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJZJ1E4nd1k

Сатирик, Фолькер Писперс - Краткая история внешней политики США. Голос Германии
Сатирик, Фолькер Писперс - Краткая история внешней политики США. Голос Германии
  • www.youtube.com
Движение Новороссия Игоря Стрелкова http://novorossia.pro/ Реквизиты: Номер карты Сбербанка - 5479 2752 0001 4487 На кошелек Yandex-деньги — 410012273300268 ...
vlad1949: I hope you are joking?

No, in principle I am serious, to my thesis: "the essence of the game in modern society is a system of compromise and trust" I can add that, in my opinion, since the dawn of society thousands of years ago, any state governance is based on lies of rulers and human stupidity of ordinary members of society and not even about theft / vanity, etc. You cannot manage people by telling them all "details" - sometimes you must keep silent, sometimes lie for good.... You cannot manage people by letting them know the whole 'truth' about them - you must sometimes lie for their own good...



We have read the textbooks, but we don't understand a thing :)

A village lives by subsistence farming, handicrafts and exchange.

In winter, they make dumplings and put them on ice, and in summer they have no time to save them, they have to gather the harvest.

So they make dumplings in their trunks for their dowry.

So the country lives from such small villages, they have no problems, every now and then there is a mobilization, the sword is taken off the wall, the horse is mounted, the outsurmans are hacked and dumplings are made again.

But then industrialization comes. People learn that they can concoct a factory and make pots not by hand but on machines. And everything works without any problems.

I did not mention gold, not even paper money, because I forgot to tell the state, the entire record of who owns what, on chips and computerized.

So tell me, why save money if you do not need it to live? well, a man made pots, handed over to the broker in the exchange (in payment for services again, 2 pots), the broker bought pots for 8 herrings and 16 rosettes.

Okay, let's say a universal measure is needed, but first of all not so universal, let's say one measure for consumer goods, another for equipment, and a third for capital goods.

Why gold? Power does not give power, who does not appreciate gold, it has no power over him. Power is given by the ability to persuade.

Why gold? What's the point of the game?

I think you can answer your question in great detail if you wish, if you are really interested.

On this forum and specifically on this thread, the following is important.

In the 40's the americans promised to exchange dollars for gold - the financial world became different

In the 70's the amers refused to exchange dollars for gold - the world was different again.

Today, the american idea of filling dollars with oil is dying - the world is different again before our eyes. And gold is on the rise.

And when I write about the importance of gold, I am referring to these very circumstances of recent history. At the turning points of its financial history, gold has always been in charge. Gold is not a commodity, gold is the viability of a state.


The state is a repressive apparatus: fiscal structures, law enforcement structures, prisons, the army, finance. The state governs society through fear.

Fear comes in many forms: fear of not getting the job they want, fear of going to prison, fear of losing their property, fear of losing their job, etc., etc. Ordinary members of society do not speak out because they are stupid, they are just afraid of losing something (essential to them). By playing on this fear, the state achieves its goals. Lying to the rulers, is a small part of this repressive policy.

What governs your body other than fear?

ZS: not quite right: "what drives you if not fear?"