What do you think of the gold joke?

US prepares to halt precious metals quotations and fix official dollar exchange rate
29.12.14 17:10 Economy

Source: Les États-Unis préparent la fin de la cotation des métaux précieux et verrouillent le cours officiel du dollar

From 22 December 2014, fluctuations in precious metals rates, which have not actually been free from interference, will be strictly limited in US markets. Consequently, the value of the dollar expressed in gold officially becomes a constant, although in practice it will be impossible to get a single ounce of gold for any mountain of dollars.

The beginning of the end ?

What are the views?

This is already agony.
You should be put in a sauna for a couple of months - as a preventative measure!
The topic should be deleted. You don't know what people write on the Internet, you can't believe everything.
You can't believe everything you read on the Internet. You have to have a filter too.
Yes it is clear, sane people filter, please remove just one word from your answer "him". I'm begging you.
You should delete the topic. You can't believe everything you read on the Internet.

You're swinging your sword here. The topic is strictly on the profile. Gold at the heart of understanding many quotes.....

Let it be.

To the understood problem with gold, there is also the problem with oil. I want to remind you of my blog copypaste which shows that oil prices have nothing to do with the market, with supply and demand. Today the US administratively regulates the prices of major commodity groups for political purposes. and heaven for what? For the sake of saving the dollar as such. Another link to your blog. To complete the picture.

Is it a gold hobby? Or a much broader one? And what will happen to trading?


your copypaste to the blog, which shows that oil prices have nothing to do with the market, with supply and demand. Today the US administratively regulates the prices of major commodity groups for political purposes. and heaven for what? For the sake of saving the dollar as such. Another link to your blog. To complete the picture.

Another nonsense for people with no brains.

QuoteThe shale revolution in the US is not only and not so much a revolution in technology, but a revolution in finance and financial instruments. Huge layers of employment, bank lending, the stock market and derivatives are tied to shale oil and gas production in the US.

Where are the facts? What's with the "huge layers of population? What 'financial revolution'?

Now the facts -last week the number of oil rigs hit a record 1,609. By the way, this is almost 20% more than last year. That's the data in a weekly study by Baker Hughes.

How many people work on one rig? 10? 20? OK, let's say 50 - 80,000 people is a "huge layer of the population"?

And so on through the same text - not one fact, not one figure

Саудиты решили остудить сланцевую революцию США
Саудиты решили остудить сланцевую революцию США
  • informburo.dn.ua
Саудиты решили остудить сланцевую революцию США Саудовская Аравия начала глобальную нефтяную войну, и направлена она на снижение добычи нефти в США. Однако для достижения реального эффекта может понадобиться около двух лет, пишет Reuters. Многие наблюдатели считают, что обвальное падение цен на нефть приведет к резкому сокращению добычи...
Only you can read that.

More nonsense for people with no brains.

QuoteThe shale revolution in the US is not only and not so much a technology revolution as it is a revolution in finance and financial instruments. Huge layers of employment, bank lending, equity markets and derivatives are tied to shale oil and gas production in the US.

Where are the facts? What's with the "huge layers of population? What 'financial revolution'?

Now the facts -last week the number of oil rigs hit a record 1,609. By the way, this is almost 20% more than last year. That's the data in a weekly study by Baker Hughes.

How many people work on one rig? 10? 20? OK, let's say 50 - 80,000 people is a "huge layer of the population"?

And so on through the same text - not one fact, not one figure

This fiddling could go on for a long time, and two years will not do, the Saudis dropped oil to $60 (that is the upper cost level for fracked shale), and the Americans invented new shale technology with plasma fracturing (greener and 15-20 bucks cheaper). And the Saudis' very attitude that the Saudis are collapsing something, they would not want to fall out of the market themselves, Iraq is smuggling, Iran is being sanctioned there.
The Saudis have dropped oil to $60 (which is the upper cost level for fracked shale), and the Americans have invented a new technology of plasma fracturing shale (more environmentally friendly and 15-20 bucks cheaper). The Saudis are bringing down the market because they would not want to drop out of it. Iraq is smuggling oil, while Iran is slapped with sanctions.
yeah, 140 a barrel is just a dream.....

"You can't trust anyone" (c)

No one wants fuel, no one wants metal, it's like manufacturing stagnation... Except that all the indices (DJ, S&P, etc) are where the quid index is. Why would that be?

The shale revolution is probably strongly against classical mining. In a single segment. Oil alone does not paint the whole picture.

You should erase the theme. You cannot believe everything they write on the Internet.

You should have a brain first. Have you read the document the article is about?

I do not think it is at your level.

The situation is serious. If gold quotes will be controlled manually, you can fuck up the whole TA.

It's interesting that no one bothered to read it.


Let's see.