How to get to the front page of the Market - page 11


Reading your, how shall I put it gently... opuses... your op-eds, and a suggestion arises to you: lay out here your vision of the usefulness/uselessness of these or those products. And who told you that free products are not useful to consumers and sellers alike?

Point the finger at us all at the useless slag/junk/pomo/ bombshell_bricks in the Marketplace. Let's see.

Well just, an example. Thirty pieces of useless junk. Or better yet, a hundred, two hundred specific products.

And give examples of good, necessary goods. A grand total of ten, preferably 30 to 50.

You're being very categorical.

there is no direct and quick answer here.

for example, the seller of an EA puts it on a real signal -- if the EA does not fail within a year, it is not rubbish (question: how many EAs are left with this rejection criterion?)

further, the seller of the indicator should describe the ways to understand the signals of this indicator (of course, for the purpose of profit) -- if the signals need to be filtered, then he should provide recommendations for filters.

as a result -- the seller of the indicator writes the Expert Advisor according to his recommendations and puts it on the real signal -- if the Expert Advisor will last a year -- it is not rubbish (question: how many indicators will be left with this culling criterion?)

p.s. These considerations are examples (on the rights of the manuscript), and not Renat's creditable suggestions to kill the market.


We do not offer for free.

We receive a 20% commission on sales and have a vested interest in both good sales of bestsellers and the birth of new stars. The desire not to miss the birth of good products is what makes us think about reasonable rotation.

That's just how you interpret it. Or you can put it another way: you pay 80% of the salesman's fee, so it's free for him.

When we say free, we mean risk-free. Doing business without risk is against the laws of the market.

I myself am a seller here and would be happy to pay a flat fee in exchange for reducing your share (let's say to 10%). And I'm sure many sellers would agree similarly. It's purely a matter of mathematics. Those who sell a quality product are interested in maximizing the yield of their product, i.e. minimizing your share, while those who come just to get noticed and get publicity, are only interested in getting in for free. The rest is not important to them, because they didn't come here to sell.

We have a smaller product base and, for the time being, we are able to invest extra money in promoting the whole list.

That's for now. The market will quickly become flooded with dummies.

Point the finger at us all at the useless slag/junk/pomo/bombshell_bricks in the Market. Let's see.

Just an example. Thirty pieces of useless junk. Or better yet, a hundred, two hundred specific items.

It's not the right thing to do on a forum. I don't think there's much of a denial about that. Yeah, I exaggerated about 99% of it, I'm sorry. Probably more like 50-60%. But for now.

you are very categorical.

there is no quick and straightforward answer here.

for example, the seller of an EA puts it on a real signal -- if the EA does not fail within a year, it is not rubbish (question: how many EAs will be left with this rejection criterion?)

further, the seller of the indicator should describe the ways to understand the signals of this indicator (of course, for the purpose of profit) -- if the signals need to be filtered, then he should provide recommendations for filters.

as a result -- the seller of the indicator writes the Expert Advisor according to his recommendations and puts it on the real signal -- if the Expert Advisor will last a year -- it is not rubbish (question: how many indicators will be left with this culling criterion?)

p.s. These considerations are examples (on the rights of the manuscript) and not Renat's suggestions to kill the market.

Andrew, the man is coming about "now", he does not write about "after years of testing". That's what I'm wondering, what's already junk out there now.

I wonder why I, for example, when I put free indicators on Market, sweep away my trash and drag bricks to the marketplace having blown the dust off them?

Do you think you can make sense of the statistics, and draw conclusions from it for yourself?

Yes, I exaggerated about 99%, of course, I repent. More like 50-60%. But that's for now.

Is it correct, being a salesman yourself, to say about the rest of your colleagues that they are self-taught boys and homeless from the dump, flooding your Eldorado with their rubbish? Or do you count yourself among 99%?

There's clearly a vested interest in throwing you off your tail...


Artyom, I don't have any products on the market and I'm not registered there at all - I agree with the 99%.

let the sellers of EAs and indicators apply my "test-drive" formula to their products and in a year we will correct our opinion about the "99%".


Is it correct, being a salesman yourself, to say about the rest of your colleagues that they are self-taught boys and homeless from the dump, flooding your Eldorado with their rubbish? Or do you count yourself among the 99%?

There is clearly an interest in throwing you off the hook...

I didn't say anything about anybody in particular, I didn't point a finger and I didn't name names. If I say that 99% of traders are losing, do you think I have offended those who earn?

And speaking about the dump, I said that the market will turn into a dump (or dump). That is, not now. But soon.


I didn't talk about anyone in particular, I didn't point a finger, I didn't name names. Why are you so nervous? If I say that 99% of traders are losing, do you think I have offended those who are making money?

And speaking of the dump, I said that the market will turn into a dump (or dump). That is, not now. But soon.

So name it. Since you said it, give examples of what is unnecessary. In the meantime, it's a pointless conversation which leads to the conclusion that they want to monopolise Market under, and for themselves.

It's obvious that it's like the market is made for beggars.

And that's why they give out free EAs and sell indicators for $10, which is a brick and mortar.

And how can you imagine selling a $50,000 robot among them. That would be ridiculous.


It's obvious that it's like the market is made for beggars.

And that's why they give out free EAs and sell indicators for $10, which is a brick and mortar.

And how can you imagine selling a $50,000 robot among them. It would be ridiculous.

I can easily imagine.

How are you different from the other seller who sells crayfish for $10 but very small, and you sell for $50,000 but very large, if you see differences - this is discrimination, the same seller as you.

No offense, but it's for the sake of the market.