FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications - page 436


yeah... today's fun start with a sad end in sight

Except that yesterday IRIP was on time and on the pound theme.

Where? WHERE? =)
Zorich, by the way, you shouldn't have bought gold, there's very good resistance at 1215 and the price was thrown into it quickly and on good volume, it's lower anyway.
The dollar fell to 52.71 roubles at the start of the day, the euro to 64.74 roubles
​Доллар в начале дня снизился до 52,71 рубля, евро - до 64,74 рубля
​Доллар в начале дня снизился до 52,71 рубля, евро - до 64,74 рубля
  • 2014.12.04
Курс доллара к рублю на открытии торгов на Московской бирже в четверг, 4 декабря снизился на 48 копеек - до 52,71 рубля. Курс евро уменьшился на 91 копейку - до 64,74 рубля, передаёт ТАСС.
Dollar down to 52.71 roubles early in the day, euro down to 64.74 roubles

Ja, ja)))

where? WHERE? =)
strange ...
strange ...
Weak inputs not sure what to do with them
Weak entries I don't know what to do about them

It's only about the pound. I don't know about the rest.

even if it comes back, it will still go down.

Speaking of which, GBPJPY - that's not what it looks like...

Sensei, buy the euro - can't you see it's not going down!!! The yen has helped...

third day of pushing and pulling...

Sensei, buy the euro - can't you see it's not going down!!! Yen helped...
He's going to write, or maybe he already has.