FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications - page 790

Exchange rates

Currency Buy Sell
USD/BYR 13760 11148
RUB/BYR 230 230
EUR/BYR 16850 13668

Thought it was a fake) poking fun probably for publicity and no quid and euro sales.

Технобанк - Главная
Технобанк - Главная
Валюта Покупка Продажа все курсы Валюта Покупка Продажа все курсы Вклад — денежные средства, внесённые физическим или юридическим лицом в финансовое учреждение или в предприятие на хранение, в рост или для участия в получении прибыли. Возобновляемая кредитная...
Oh, yeah, there's a +30% commission on the sale. It's a miracle.)

Exchange rates

Currency Buy Sell
USD/BYR 13760 11148
RUB/BYR 230 230
EUR/BYR 16850 13668

Thought it was a fake) poking fun probably for publicity and no quid and euro sales.

You go to the bank, they will say they made a mistake )))) I personally suspect that
You go to the bank, they say they made a mistake )))) I personally suspect that
well, this is also possible.
There must be a commission... A big one, a very big one! ) It's Christmas on the 25th )

The official rate is:

And there's a 30% fee. )

Курсы валют, ставка рефинансирования, новости | Национальный банк Республики Беларусь
Курсы валют 23.12.14 24.12.14 Корзина валют (USD, EUR, RUB) 3 097,29 Ставка рефинансирования 20% Международные  резервные активы Республики Беларусь 01.12.14 Учетные цены на драгоценные металлы Золотой запас (на 01.07.14) 35 т Цены на мерные слитки 23.12.14 Цены на...

yep, that's right. the rails are just an idea for a U-turn, and to apply it, you need to understand first - when and why, and maybe it's not about rails at all, but about something similar...))

so it turns out that if you go head-to-head, it's 50-50.... Well, Ilya's probability of correct entries is more than 0.5, but it's not 1 yet.

He wrote yesterday, the post was scrubbed. The correct name for the pattern is 'boys colluding' :-)

It won't work alone, like any other pattern. It's just that the others are not formalized yet, it's a quantitative collection of information.


He wrote yesterday, the post was scrubbed. The correct name for the pattern is 'boys collusion' :-)

It (the pattern) will not work alone, just like any other pattern. It's just that the others are not formalised yet, it's a quantitative collection of information.

Yeah. I'm working on it too. Pound's a bit of a mess.... It's back on the market.

Ilya didn't say anything about highs and loys in that post?


Continuing little by little, but leaving something behind)

You go to the bank, they say they made a mistake )))) I personally suspect such a thing

Epic especially that different branches in the same (!) city have different rates.

(Take a look at the Cash and Settlement Centre No. 4 at 65 Pobediteley Ave. in Gomel). Pobediteley, 65, Gomel and others)

I wonder if it is a normal practice in Belarus or not?

Операции с наличной валютой
Операции с наличной валютой
Выберите дату: Выберите город: Наименование Местонахождение ГОЛОВНОЙ ОФИС Расчетно-кассовый центр ул. Володарского, 4 Расчетно-кассовый центр №2 ул. Руссиянова, 8 Расчетно-кассовый центр №3 пр.Независимости, 117а Расчетно-кассовый центр №4 пр...

Epic especially that different branches in the same (!) city have different rates.

(Take a look at the Cash and Settlement Centre No. 4 at 65 Pobediteley Ave. in Gomel). Pobediteley, 65, Gomel and others)

I wonder if this is a normal practice in Belarus or not?

Yes, it is normal. Soon banks will have shops as well. we already have almost every shop here with money on loan))))