How can you prove that this is the real result of expert trading ? - page 7

:-)) Marketing.

What about the physics teacher from Indonesia...? :
On the tester, his robots are performing mind-bogglingly well. He gave potential buyers a chance to test everything "for themselves".
What about the teacher?
What about the teacher?
He sells trading robots. The price is quite high. He publishes signals with these robots and gives potential buyers a chance to see for themselves how effective they are.

All this sounds like cheap black PR.

Why write here (in a thread that has nothing to do with the product or the signal), your suggestions as to how it should be better, write to the author in private.

Neither to the product nor to the signal...? I don't understand you... It's just about the conversations between the author and the visitors. You should read the reviews and see what a heated debate there is... Besides, the author himself directs people to this branch of the forum.
Neither to the product nor to the signal...? I don't understand you... It's just about the conversations between the author and the visitors. Look at the reviews and read the heated debates there... Besides, the author himself directs people to this branch of the forum.
So write there. Why bring it here?
He sells trading robots. The price is quite high. He publishes signals with these robots and gives potential buyers a chance to see for themselves how effective they are.

It's up to everyone to decide how they want to sell.

I don't see his product on the front page of the market under the popular tab.


I don't see his product on the front page of the market under the popular tab.

The best doesn't mean popular.

Everyone decides for themselves how they want to sell.

Yes, of course. Let them decide for themselves.
Popular doesn't mean best.

he doesn't even have any reviews.

and it's not as good as the author's.

he even has reviews.
They will appear in time.

and the monitoring will be worse than the author's

I'm not saying the author is selling bad robots. On the contrary, I'm on his side. Just thought I'd support the man. His trolls are attacking him. That's why I told him how to solve the problem with the evidence. And I'm not going to write him in private. I've noticed he's a touchy guy.