How can you prove that this is the real result of expert trading ? - page 6


I agree, and that's why I have a pretty good description of the robot in the marketplace on the draft. But as an opponent of selling the robot, I also doubt that all this will give any advantage.

And that's why for the umpteenth time I suggest creating a list of trading robot ratings.

There is only one objective indicator of any trading Expert Advisor, and that is its performance on a real account.

I.e., to make a rating of Market trading robots, you need to require sellers to monitor the EA's performance on a real account.

But the Market Watch has nothing to do with performance of the trading robot -- Market Watch is based on sales.

Sales and EA effectiveness are incompatible.

Selling EAs is a kind of "cheat's skill" - the formula is simple according to all rules of "scammers", "scam artists" and other such stuff:

-- every "successful" advisor salesman -- has a team of "satisfied customers" -- who leave positive feedback, actively participate in discussions -- generally create a buzz and active sales momentum

-- the team of "satisfied buyers" also plays the role of a team of "bulls" -- a) in case of negative feedback -- immediately leaving some positive feedback -- b) in case of criticism in the discussion -- immediately attacking the critic, like, from the outside.

Since the Expert Advisor is not monitored on the real account -- it is impossible to understand whether the "support group" is telling the truth. Especially when the "enlightened" buyer is clearly alone, and surrounded by many "satisfied buyers".

Some sellers monitor the Expert Advisors they sell. But the signals service is designed in such a way that the signal that has merged is easily deleted from public viewing.

p.s. If you follow the Wall closely (daily sales dynamics) and monitor products of active sellers -- at the moment -- we can clearly see two sellers who work according to this scheme.

It will be interesting when there are a few of these sellers -- and there will be competition between them for a place on the Wall and a place in the top.


The only objective indicator of any Expert Advisor is its performance on a real account.

It will be interesting when there are several such vendors, and there will be competition between them for a place on the Wall and for a place in TOP.

On VPS server you can organize work of Expert Advisors, like in Robotics contest in 2012, but without deadline and without prizes. The Expert Advisor owner will pay for participation.

The rating of trading robots can be defined in the same way as in trading signals. And buyers will choose robots from this list. This will also attract investors.


The VPS server can be used to organise Expert Advisors, like the Robotics competition in 2012, but without a deadline and no prizes. The owner of the Expert Advisor would pay for participation.

The rating of trading robots can be determined in the same way as in trading signals. And buyers will choose robots from this list. This will also attract investors.

It is better to talk about reality.

To create something somewhere, you need an organizer who can promote it on the web and create a flow of visitors. There is no such organiser for the options you suggest.

The reality is that there is a "beaten" and "beaten" resource -- and that resource has Signals, Marketplace, TOP, Wall.

If the MC is not willing to do something -- not willing at all, or not yet -- then it will be as it is.

And any proposals should be driven by the MC's will and ability.

I didn't read all the pages. The easiest way is to give a link to a real account monitor. preferably with a history of 6 months or more.
I didn't read all the pages. The easiest way is to give a link to a real account monitoring. preferably with a history of 6 months or more.
There are some who don't need the stats to prove anything. They want to feel the real profit from trading the robot. And for that they need to give free signals on these robots. That's when the person realizes that the robot has really traded cabbage. If you are a smart people, you have to programmers to get the right signals for you.
They seem to be smart people, programmers, but in elementary marketing neither B nor M... :-))
There are those for whom the statements do not prove anything. They only need to actually experience the profits of trading a robot. And to do that, they need to give buyers free signals on these robots. That's when the person realizes that the robot has really traded cabbage. If you are a smart people, programmers can't be sure what to do with them.
They seem to be smart people, programmers, but in elementary marketing neither B nor M... :-))
))), they take advantage of freebies.
))), freebies.
:-)) Marketing.

What about the physics teacher from Indonesia...? :
On the tester, his robots are showing pocreative results. He gave potential buyers the opportunity to test everything "for themselves".

That's not the point. I have a rough description of the robot in my marketplace. And the question arises, how can I put a price on the robot if I can't prove in any way that I'm selling what the buyer wants.

If you can't prove it, you can't sell it at high prices. Without a guarantee, no one will buy.

I follow the evolution of discussions on your products. Your advisors are of interest to many people. But you don't give people the physical opportunity to verify your truth. Wouldn't it be easier to just put your robots on real demo accounts, start trading and publish free signals (Free)... Like this physics teacher did:
Notice, his products are even more expensive than yours, however, on the way to his clients, he published FREE signals. He offers his EAs for rent, but that's not smart. The rent is too high and the proof is very vague as it takes time for the results of real tests. In addition, you don't know how the EA will behave in the future.

The signals you have published, like your trading robots, do not come cheap. Were you kidding when you quoted USD 9999.00 per month...? You have 11 subscribers...! Is this another "joke"...? I don't think people will suddenly have confidence after such "jokes".
After all, in reviews (both public and private correspondence) you can find both positive and negative opinions about your products. The conclusion to be drawn from this is that people don't want to spend money in vain. The world in which we live is full of lies. There is little credibility, and therefore you should not be angry with those who are overly suspicious.
Note that you are often approached by people who want to buy your product, but don't have the money yet. But they really want to. This clearly reveals itself from the history of discussions. So awaken an even greater desire in the person and they will turn upside down but find the money to buy your product. Let the person physically feel the effectiveness of your robots. Then you won't have to prove anything to anyone else. And the subject of this forum thread might not even appear.
Replace your paid signals with free ones. Or rent them out, but at a low cost. And people will queue up for you.
If there was some way of showing the expert's work on the real, then it can easily be priced, sold or bought.
That is what we are talking about. There is such a way. And you have priced it at 9999.00 USD per month... :-))

I keep track of the evolution of discussions on your products. Your advisors are of interest to many people. But you don't give people the physical opportunity to be convinced of your truth. Wouldn't it be easier just to put your robots on real demo accounts, start trading and publish free signals (Free)... Like this physics teacher did:
Notice, his products are even more expensive than yours, however, on the way to his clients, he published FREE signals. He offers his EAs for rent, but that's not smart. The rent is too high and the proof is very vague as it takes time for the results of real tests. In addition, you don't know how the EA will behave in the future.

The signals you have published, like your trading robots, do not come cheap. Were you kidding when you quoted USD 9999.00 per month...? You have 11 subscribers...! Is this another "joke"...? I don't think people will suddenly have confidence after such "jokes".
After all, in reviews (both public and private correspondence) you can find both positive and negative opinions about your products. The conclusion to be drawn from this is that people don't want to spend money in vain. The world in which we live is full of lies. There is little credibility, and therefore you should not be angry with those who are overly suspicious.
Note that you are often approached by people who want to buy your product, but don't have the money yet. But they really want to. This clearly reveals itself from the history of discussions. So awaken an even greater desire in the person and they will turn upside down but find the money to buy your product. Let the person physically feel the effectiveness of your robots. Then you won't have to prove anything to anyone else. And the subject of this forum thread might not even appear.
Replace your paid signals with free ones. Or rent them out, but at a low cost. And people will queue up for you.

All this sounds like cheap black PR.

Why write here (in a thread that has nothing to do with the product or the signal), your suggestions as to how it should be better, write to the author in private.