Direct access to the MOEX (MICEX) currency section in MetaTrader 5 - page 7


My comments are disappearing... maybe I'm writing the wrong thing....

About the follow-up terminal. To trade robots on futures and stock sections - you have to have 2 terminals. ... As in one terminal you cannot trade from two accounts simultaneously - you can only switch accounts and trade alternately. Right? Is the connection of the mobile terminal free of charge or does it count as a follow-up?

Yes, for the time being you have to switch logins in order to trade on different markets.

The mobile version of the terminal is free of charge.

Watch your vocabulary, please don't slip into bazaar language and all comments will be spot on.
Okay. I'll try.)

Yes, for the time being, you have to switch logins to trade on different markets.

The mobile version of the terminal is free.

OK. When will the stock section be connected?
OK. When will the stock section be connected?
I can't answer that question exactly yet. But I think within 3-4 months.
Can you advise a normal VPS with minimal pings VPS-serverMT(Opening)-exchange?
Can you advise normal VPS with minimal pings VPS-serverMT(Opening)-exchange?
Replyed to you in person.
Основы биржевого ценообразования на примере срочной секции Московской биржи
Основы биржевого ценообразования на примере срочной секции Московской биржи
  • 2014.12.12
  • Vasiliy Sokolov
Статья описывает теорию биржевого ценообразования и специфику клиринговых расчетов срочной секции Московской биржи. Материал будет интересен как начинающим трейдерам, желающим получить свой первый биржевой опыт по торговле деривативами, так и опытным форекс-трейдерам, рассматривающих возможность переноса своей торговли на централизованную биржевую площадку.
Clarify with the options - I called today and they said:
1. no options
2. the terminal is not free as stated here
Who to believe?
Clarify with the options - I called today and they said:
1. no options
2. the terminal is not free as stated here
Who to believe?
Опыты с МетаТрейдер 5 в "Открытие"
Опыты с МетаТрейдер 5 в "Открытие"
Опыты с МетаТрейдер 5 в "Открытие". - Страница 37 - Категория: общее обсуждение
The first MT5 terminal is free of charge. Connecting a second MT5 terminal for a small fee.