Why do signal and advisor sellers sell their products and not use them themselves? - page 14

Vladimir Karputov #:

No need to try to lie - you can see everything in the moderator's room. If you say that again, you'll get banned.

Honestly, I don't remember using any language in my last comment. Okay, I'll watch what comes out of my mouth. I don't do trolling and sassing.
So it has nothing to do with content? You could write something like this: "If you need a reliable robot, I can write one. [Algorithm's description] Make a targeted order via Freelance, I'll write it in 2-3 days."
I thought the post was deleted precisely because of the "Let me write..." sentence and a reference to Freelance.
Confirm, please. I think it's important to a lot of people.

Vasyl Temchenko #:

So the content has nothing to do with it? You could write something like this: "If you need a reliable robot, I can write one. [Algorithm description] Make a targeted order through Freelance, I'll write it in 2-3 days."

This forum is not a free email board.

Vasyl Temchenko #:

No, there was not even a hint of rudeness or sarcasm, let alone foul language, in my reply. I didn't even use my favourite "opa" ;)
Described a possible robot-nevalyashka TC and its test methodology, which even George could have trusted.
Seems to have described it in too much detail, it was considered an advertisement.

You write down from memory this comment of yours and others all.

Show it anonymously to relatives, friends, neighbours. Ask their opinion. You will learn many new and interesting things about yourself. It will help you to become more successful.

Vladimir Karputov #:

This forum is not a free email board.

Thanks, I get it, I can read between the lines. What consequences a "free notice board" can have, I'm aware of that.
But the Rules state that only unauthorized advertising is strictly forbidden. Someone needs to be approached for permission.
I would be very grateful for the information: Who should be approached for permission for unobtrusive advertising in Signals and Products forum posts?
If you can't post here, please let me know in person.

Vasyl Temchenko #:

Thank you, I understand, I can read between the lines. What consequences a "free notice board" can have, I know about that.
But the Rules state that only unauthorized advertising is strictly forbidden. Someone needs to be approached for permission.
I would be very grateful for the information: Who should one go to for permission for unobtrusive advertising in Signals and Products forum posts?
If you can't post here, please let me know in person.

This already sounds like megalomania!!! What is your personality more important than the personalities of all forum users?

Show anonymously all your posts here and on other forums to relatives, friends and neighbours. Ask their opinion. You will learn many new and interesting things about yourself. It will help to understand the rules of communication in society.

a007 #:

That's a bit like megalomania!!! How is your personality more of a priority than the personalities of all forum members?

Show anonymously to relatives, friends, neighbours all your posts here and on other forums. Ask their opinion. You will learn many new and interesting things about yourself. It helps to understand the rules of communication in society.

To the moderators:
Please protect me from this man's attacks. It's annoying... This is not the first post like this.

Vasyl Temchenko #:

To the moderators:
I am begging you - shield me from this man's attacks. It's annoying... This isn't the first post like this.

It's you self-promoting, you have to put your signal number 1 in the manual)) you're a funny guy.

You obviously think a lot of people here are stupid, but here's the problem, the forum is just not stupid participants and the administration.

You should have poured ******_ in your ears elsewhere. You have been caught uncoordinated several times already.

I liked one of the signals - I will sell this robot the other day, it went down $250 when the average profit was $5 per trade.

it is good to blame the last word on the trader, the robot is 50/50 and the trader clearly gives less than 50% due to greed, fear, family circumstances, health and whatever else one can think of, the bottom line is semi-automatic....
Vasyl Temchenko #:

Thank you, I understand, I can read between the lines. What consequences a "free notice board" can have, I know about that.
But the Rules state that only unauthorized advertising is strictly forbidden. Someone needs to be approached for permission.
I would be very grateful for the information: Who should one go to for permission for unobtrusive advertising in Signals and Products forum posts?
If you can't post here, please let me know in private.

It would be silly to PR on the forum here, as it were.

Subscribers don't read the forum.

Boris Gulikov #:

Subscribers don't read the forum.

Yes... The wrong place for the wrong people to show their expertise)

Alexander Fedosov #:

Yes... The wrong place and the wrong people are showing their expertise)

Why are you so offensive to forum participants?
If not everyone writes, it does not mean that few read. Sure they do! I have a written confirmation of that, both in person and in feedback.
2. My activity on the forum will drop sharply for the foreseeable future - I have no time, I am up to my ears in work.