Why do signal and advisor sellers sell their products and not use them themselves? - page 13

Vasyl Temchenko #:

This does not seem to be the first time you have suggested this. In the thread on the topic you mentioned (which I opened not so long ago, and which was taken down), I told you the same thing I'm telling you now: It won't do anything, it's a dead end.
You need something else.
What? I don't know. At the very least: I don't know yet. The right solution on the ceiling has not yet emerged. And the inner voice is silent"
And another thing - not only the subject can be demolished, but any of us. Think before you write.

Explain what the deadlock is. Let us explain in parts:

1. If you do not have any options, why are you criticizing my suggestion? Suggest something better. Or don't you think so?

2. there are plenty of products that are posted without any hope of selling. Got this data from the sellers themselves. There are also sellers who have posted more than a dozen products. Will these imaginary sellers agree to pay or will they clean up their trash?

3. ...

a007 #:

Explain what the impasse is? Let's break it down piece by piece:

1. If you don't have any options, why are you criticising my option? Suggest something better. Or don't you think so?

2. there are plenty of products that are posted without any hope of selling. Got this data from the sellers themselves. There are also sellers who have posted more than a dozen products. Will these imaginary sellers agree to pay or will they clean up their trash?

3. ...

I don't know what could be better. But I know for a fact that your proposal won't fly. It is unacceptable for authors and service owners.
We need other options.
Like what? .... I don't know.
Folks, you're welcome to offer. But be careful, it's a slippery subject, there could be consequences.

Vasyl Temchenko #:

I don't know what could be better. But I do know that your suggestion won't work. It is unacceptable to either the Authors or the Service Owners.
We need other options.
Like what? .... I don't know.
Folks, you're welcome to offer. But be careful, it's a slippery subject, there could be repercussions.

Yeah! You're a slippery man.

It's bad for everyone - than - xz What's better - xz It's bad for everyone - than - xz. You text what you have written, show it anonymously to relatives and neighbours. And ask what they think about the author of these words. You will learn many new and interesting things about yourself. Maybe it will make you reconsider your position in life and lead you to success.

Vasyl Temchenko #:

It's a strange way of showing your doubts. Doubts are usually expressed in a different tone. Yours is clearly audible: "There's no such thing, because it can't be. I said!!!"
Looking for how? Make a custom order on Freelance - I'll make you a reliable self-righteous pallet with a profit of at least 50% per year.
See how? You do not believe in anything, you do not believe in results shown in the tester. And no one will give you any commercially interesting work apart from "in the tester look". In 12-15 years it was possible to give a demo, but those times are long gone.

So I think that this can not be. So I express myself accordingly. But I question my judgement. And not a "I don't know how, I'm inclined to such a judgement". Correspondingly, the tone is different.

And about "individual order" - so show me on a demo account the result of your work!

And, mind you, I can also show you about a dozen of these results, and a very good one at that! But, I return to the question of the stability of the reproduction of these results. I do not have such stability, and I can not determine it.

How, in your case, is the stability of this very "reliable rollover" determined?

TheXpert #:
Georges, stay away, both Baskov and this fellow will sell your money faster than the League.

That's what I suspect. So let's wait for trading results to be demonstrated, a demo account will even do for me.

Just the experience of my League shows that it is POSSIBLE to get good results. But, I am not able to repeat it consistently. Here, I'm looking at others, how it will work out for them.

Georgiy Merts #:

Well, I don't think that can happen. That's what I'm saying. But I'm questioning my judgement. And not "I don't know how, I'm inclined to make that judgement". Correspondingly, the tone is different.

And about "individual order" - so show me on a demo account the result of your work!

And, mind you, I can also show you about a dozen of these results, and a very good one at that! But, I return to the question of the stability of the reproduction of these results. I do not have such stability, and I can not determine it.

How, in your case, is the stability of this very "reliable dummy" determined?

I wrote a reasoned response - the comment was deleted. Probably such questions should be discussed in private.

Vasyl Temchenko #:

I wrote a reasoned response and the comment was deleted. Probably should be discussed in private.

No, all you need to do is watch your language and use proper language.

Vladimir Karputov #:

No, all you have to do is watch your language and express yourself culturally.

I've been called all sorts of things by Zhora, why doesn't anyone follow his 👅?
Vladimir Karputov #:

No, all you have to do is watch your language and express yourself culturally.

No, there was not even a hint of rudeness or sarcasm, let alone foul language, in my response. I even did not use my favourite "bum" ;)
Described a possible robot's TP and its test methodology, which even George could have trusted.
It seems that I described it in too much detail, it was considered an advertisement.

Vasyl Temchenko #:

No, there was not even a hint of rudeness or sarcasm, let alone foul language, in my reply. I didn't even use my favourite "opa" ;)
Described a possible robot's TP and its test methodology, which even George could have trusted.
Seems to have described it in too much detail, it was seen as an advertisement.

No need to try and lie - you can see everything in the moderator room. If you say that again, you will be banned.