If you want to work in a group. - page 8


It's much simpler than you think.

If you say something on the forum, you get opponents and supporters. With supporters begins correspondence in private and personal connections (can Skype or group on google or wherever else in the social network).

And voila here is a working cell.

The bottom line is that without a declaration of position, it all looks like populism a la "guys, let us bend the forum," come on, start bending, and we'll see :).

For the first two suggestions, the group does a great job, just without the rubbish in the discussions, with group chat, and other conveniences.

First, find out, for example, what the difference between a handicap and not a handicap, and I'll see ... who'll bend who. If you're so "smart" that you can't understand why and what for (for example) the smart guys invented strategies on random inputs - that doesn't give you any professional reason to "write" something there ..... :) By the way, a random input strategy can be written by someone who blabbers about dynamic systems, neural networks and TA... But of course random inputs is not the most interesting, but I'm talking about interesting things in trading in a group with normal people with similar interests. The only thing that annoys me in all public forum communication is enemies and they have no place in a group.

I point out that it is not enemies but people who are working on something that is a very good offer.


For the first two suggestions the group is doing fine, just without the rubbish in the discussions, with group chat, and other conveniences.

For example, you should first understand the difference between a handicap and a non-handicap, and I'll see... who's going to bend who. If you're so "smart" that you can't understand why and what for (for example) the smart guys invented strategies on random inputs - that doesn't give you any professional reason to "write" something there ..... :) By the way, the strategy based on random inputs can be written by someone who blah-blah-blah about dynamic systems ... but of course random inputs is not the most interesting, but I'm talking about interesting things in trading with normal guys.

In this case, the trader has already started to use constructive, "strategies based on random inputs", that's what you should use in public.

You have your own vision, declare it, you start a party, you ignore everyone who you consider unworthy of an answer, and then you form a team and, naturally, you want to retreat to a secluded spot.

I participated in various groups three years ago, if it all starts with "let's create a closed group", it usually ends with that.

A group of interest, at a minimum, declares its interest, otherwise how do you find like-minded people? (rhetorical question).

(By the way, do not pour bile, firstly, not enough for all, and secondly, so like-minded just do not find).


For the first two suggestions the group is doing fine, just without the rubbish in the discussions, with group chat, and other conveniences.

For example, you should first understand the difference between a handicap and a non-handicap, and I'll see... who's going to bend who. If you're so "smart " that you can't understand why and what for( for example) the smart guys invented strategies on random inputs - that doesn't give you any professional reason to "write" something there ..... :)

I'm sorry, but your thread here looks like an advertisement for your resource here ... and it's already eight pages long... and such aggressive advertising...

I don't think you need to answer anyone here anymore. Let the users discuss.

This is the forum for trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies.

If you want to work in a group.

arbitrageur, 2014.02.11 16:47

If you have a math or physics background (teachers of mathematics, physics among others) and would like to work in a group, please write in person. The purpose of the group is to develop together, exchange experiences, work on projects (i.e. parsing ideas and creating robots). All group members must state their names and s urnames. ("the country should know its heroes"), education, city of residence and contact phone number. For those who are in a good mood and polite people.

There is already a chat room for the group, a private forum with LaTex, there is a file repository.

p.s. The group is for people who are scientific, polite and good at communicating on the internet.

So you need a database of mql5 forum coders? And for what purpose do you, an anonymous usurper, need this information and how can you verify its use by you?


I'm sorry, but your thread here looks like an advertisement for your resource here ... and it's already eight pages long... ...and such aggressive advertising...

I don't think you need to answer anyone here any more. Let the users discuss.

So you need a database of mql5 forum coders? And for what purpose do you, an anonymous user, need this information and how can you check its use by you?

Do you think that TA is on the market - some kind of database of some coders, I repeat 101 times - programmers are not invited :)

In short, you can continue here to flay is your business, if anyone in the case in person.


If you have a background in mathematics or physics (teachers of mathematics, physics among others) and want to work in a group, please write to me. The aim of the group is to develop together, to exchange experiences, to work on projects (i.e. parsing ideas and creating robots). All group members must state their names and surnames. ("the country should know its heroes"), education, city of residence and contact phone number. For those who are in a good mood and polite people.

There is already a chat room for the group, a private forum with LaTex, there is a file repository.

p.s. The group is for supporters of a scientific approach, polite and able to communicate normally on the internet people.

Your full name (you will probably need a scan of your passport too) and phone number - and give it all to someone you don't even know and to a third-party resource? Maybe the keys to the safe where the money is kept?

You're imagining things... What a vocabulary you have... ...but not with foul language...

This is a forum for programmers and I'm not a programmer ... I'll put a smiley face too :)

... разбирать идеи и создавать роботов ...

How would a non-programmer create robots?

Have people already written their names, surnames, education, addresses and phone numbers? And you will then send them to your forum from here, right? Or something else is envisaged with them?


I don't think you need to answer anyone here anymore (and I don't need to answer either). Let the Yussers do the talking.


The first thing you need to do is to start being constructive, "strategies at random entrances", that's what you need to go public with.

You have your own vision, you declare it, a sabbath begins, you ignore everyone who you consider unworthy of an answer, and then you form a team and, naturally, you want to retire to a secluded place.

I participated in various groups three years ago, if it all starts with "let's create a closed group", it usually ends with that.

A group of interest, at a minimum, declares its interest, otherwise how do you find like-minded people? (rhetorical question).

(By the way, you don't have to spew bile, firstly, not enough for everybody, and secondly, you'll never find like-minded people).

If you come out with a constructive attitude to teach the Troy public something good... As far as I understand there are not many people on forums who are able to assess and talk to the subject and with an interest ... A group of traders, their main interest is profit and their methods are mathematical...

At the moment there are three people in the group, everybody is working for hire, not a lot of time actually, everybody writes and posts something in the group, when there is time others join, so it's not going that fast.

By the way, there are very few private messages on this forum, just one, so it's really just one flame...


a group of people, you know... closed... collecting addresses and names of people from here anonymously for their "group"... :) ... And then people's cats go missing from the house... ...and you have to wonder if you gave them the address and the name...


a group of people, you know... closed... collecting addresses and names of people from here anonymously for their "group"... :) ... And then people's cats go missing from the house... ...and you wonder if you gave them the address and the name...

You've got the words mixed up completely. The group does not collect addresses, the group does not let anonymous trolls in. The group is for serious projects, not some anonymous trolls, and what is the logic in general ... A closed group is created to keep anonymous trolls out... hahaha
You have completely confused the concepts. The group doesn't collect addresses, the group doesn't let anonymous trolls in.

But you are on our turf ... you create your own group which is not part of the mql5 portal ... and you do it anonymously...

Oh, you'll get banned...