If you want to work in a group.


If you have a background in mathematics or physics (teachers of mathematics, physics among others) and want to work in a group, please write to me. The aim of the group is to develop together, to exchange experiences, to work on projects (i.e. parsing ideas and creating robots). All group members must state their names and surnames. ("the country should know its heroes"), education, city of residence and contact phone number. For those who are in a good mood and polite people.

There is already a chat room for the group, a private forum with LaTex, there is a file repository.

p.s. The group is for supporters of the scientific approach, polite and able to communicate normally on the internet people.

Work for the idea ? ) Or is payment for work expected ?
Working for the idea ? ) Or is it supposed to pay for the work?

Not a job but a pleasant pastime, for work there is a special service Work

For communication, too, there is this forum.


Работать за идею ? ) или все же предполагается оплата за труды ?

It is not a job for hire. It is voluntary, collaborative work by enterprising people in a closed group. The purpose of the association is to conduct development more efficiently, in a decent team, and with less time. Something like that :) By the way, the first universities started with association of scientists who because of the lack of Internet traveled by train to some city or other and gathered there and discussed interesting cases and all that at their own expense.

Arbitrageur, is your name Dmitri?


Arbitrageur, is your name Dmitri?

Why? I will ask you to ask personal questions through private mail, my posting is not for correspondence and to the point. In order to branch not to overgrow with subjectless messages - who has an interest, write in the mail.

If you have a background in mathematics or physics (teachers of mathematics, physics among others) and want to work in a group, please write to me. The aim of the group is to develop together, to exchange experiences, to work on projects (i.e. parsing ideas and creating robots). All group members are required to provide their full name, education, city of residence and contact phone number. For those in a good mood and polite people.

There is already a chat room for the group, a private forum with LaTex, and a file depository.

Is the theatre starting?

Will the group laugh and tell tales? And when the work is done? Work is done for a fee. Bought a train ticket, where to go?

Yes, if I'm not mistaken we talked to you the other day at the smart-lab. I would ask for personal questions via private email !

No, not on smartlab.

You couldn't have copied some text from the forum archives for me for a month.

It's just an objective indicator of your initiative. Just a note to forum members (if there are any) thinking about working together in a group.

There are no more questions.


Is the theatre starting?

Will the group be laughing and telling tales? And when the work is done? Work is done for a fee. Bought a train ticket, where to go?

Do you want to be in a group to laugh and tell tales? That's not what a group is for.) Make yourself a robot and earn money.
Do you want to join a band to eat and tell tales? :) Make yourself a robot and make some money.
What are you gonna do as a group? And more importantly, for what?

No, not on smartlab.

You couldn't have copied some text from the forum archives for me for a month.

It's just an objective indicator of your initiative. Just a note to forum members (if there are any) thinking about working together in a group.

There aren't any questions... anymore.

Ah, I remember. The forum engine for that base was removed, something was left in the base, something was deleted, so I couldn't get the posting you're interested in... Yeah, that's what they call looking up some three year old post in the database and out of hundreds of other posts, copy paste :)

If the terms suit you, we can chat more on skype.