Investing properly or preserving a capital of 1,000,000 USD - page 13

Michail Dekterev:
Are you even healthy? I write about my experience, I am aware of prices and my expenses and I haven't watched TV for 9 years. For 2015, 2016, 2017 prices have not changed much unless you buy the cheapest. If you buy the cheapest then of course you will write about 10-20-30% inflation per year I am not arguing. For one mass of people inflation is real in a year of 10-20% and for others it is no more than 10% and for someone maximum 1-2%. It all depends on what you consume.

What do you mean by cheap?

Let me give you a simple example, bread in my town cost around 22 roubles 1 year ago, now it's 30 roubles. Two years ago it cost around 16 roubles.
Evgeniy Kazeikin:

What do you mean by cheap?

Goods, work and services at socially low prices. Low quality food (in your example, bread for 22-30 rbl. - no offence bread is hard to call it), clothing and other goods, works and services. There I do not argue with you inflation is not 2.5% as officially stated and not 4-5%, but the whole 10-20-30% per year. And so on, the more expensive goods, work, services, the less inflation for them in the richest class inflation in 2015-2016-2017 was no more than 2% per year for some even negative inflation. I tell you about the Emel and you tell me about the Thomas. Let's end this conversation.

Michail Dekterev:

Goods, works, services at socially low prices. Low quality food (in your example bread at 22-30 rbl. - no offence bread can hardly be called bread), clothing and other goods, works and services. There I do not argue with you inflation is not 2.5% as officially stated and not 4-5%, but the whole 10-20-30% per year. And so on, the more expensive goods, work, services, the less inflation for them in the richest class inflation in 2015-2016-2017 was no more than 2% per year for some even negative inflation. I tell you about the Emel and you tell me about the Thomas. Let's end this conversation.

So people here often buy bread for 30 or 60?
So an expensive product is what, for example? Can you give an example, or just words or an article on the Internet substantiated by some clever guy?

If you follow your logic, the following example comes out :
Potatoes (regular) - 100 rubles (1 kg) for the year rose by 20 rubles. That is, the price is 20 per cent.
Potatoes (elite) - 1000 rubles (1 kg) for the year rose by 50 rubles. I.e. 5%.

What we see here, I think it is clear and Thomas and Emelya.

Evgeniy Kazeikin:

So do people here often buy bread for 30 or 60?
So an expensive product is what, for example? Can you give me an example, or just words or an article on the Internet substantiated by some smart guy?

If you follow your logic, the following example comes out :
Potatoes (regular) - 100 rubles (1 kg) for the year rose by 20 rubles. That is, the price is 20 per cent.
Potatoes (elite) - 1000 rubles (1 kg) for the year rose by 50 rubles. I.e. 5%.

What we see here, I think it is clear and Thomas and Emelya.

The potatoes are a good example. That's the way it is. The prices aren't reasonable, but I think the point is clear. Count the %.

Buddy, no offense, but I would have banished you to my thread a long time ago, why are you flooding my thread?

Dear moderators, remove the flood.

Michail Dekterev:

1) Your inflation figures are wrong. Inflation is now no more than 4-5% a year at most.

Take the year the ruble was created and the current year. and calculate the average percentage of inflation over that period.

Michail Dekterev:

The potatoes are a good example. That's how it is. The prices aren't reasonable, but I think the point is clear. Count the %.

Buddy, no offense, but I would have long sent you to a ban in my branch, why are you flapping in my branch?

Dear moderators, remove that flooding.

I'm having a dialogue, that's what the forum is for. Isn't it?

Evgeniy Kazeikin:
Let me give you a simple example, bread in my town cost around 22 roubles a year ago and 30 roubles now. Two years ago it cost around 16 rubles.
Hmmm... This is nonsense.
An example is the same with bread.
In the shop in the house where I live, bread costs 21 roubles, a year ago it was 20 roubles.
In the shop next door, bread now costs 24, a year ago it was 21 roubles.
Two more houses later there's a hypermarket where bread was 32 a year ago, but now it's 34.
So the distance from the starting point to the end point is only 400 metres, and inflation is different everywhere?
Evgeniy Kazeikin:

I'm having a dialogue, that's what the forum is for. Isn't it?

You're not engaging in dialogue, you're showing otherwise. I'd tell you what I think of you, but that's not allowed here. Good luck. I'm not responding to your messages anymore you've already made it clear who and what you are.
Alexandr Saprykin:
Hmmm... That's nonsense.
An example of this is bread.
In the shop in the house where I live, bread costs 21 roubles, a year ago it was 20 roubles.
In the shop next door, bread now costs 24, a year ago it was 21 roubles.
Two more houses later there's a hypermarket where bread was 32 a year ago, but now it's 34.
So the distance from the starting point to the finishing point is only 400 metres and inflation is different everywhere?
Alexander, you don't need to prove anything to him. It's already clear with him.