Bitcoin and everything associated with it. The home of cryptomaniacs and their adversaries. - page 333


No, I just thought maybe you didn't know.

The old days, the drummer got mad about it.

I'm keeping it as a memento.

it's on automatic.

Alexandr Bryzgalov:

in the long term to 1 million? in 10 years?

maybe wait? )


No, I just thought maybe you didn't know

Yeah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

Alexandr Bryzgalov:

now Goldman Sachs is hooked on crypto

what's interesting is that a number of organisations forbid the purchase of bitcoins with credit cards

it seems that organizations and their clients have a conflict of interest in doing so.

i.e. i assume the organizations (mentioned in the article) are shorting and for the sake of less support crypto have banned logging on credit.

it seems that they want to crush crypto.

ZS: @Combinator, that's another reason why I leave links semi-visible, because when you reply the widget is not inserted.
Alexandr Bryzgalov:

What is interesting here is that a number of organizations prohibit buying bitcoins using credit cards

for debit ones you can. it's a normal sober decision - buying a high risk asset on credit is evil. It's just that the news has been hyped as something mega-bad.

ZS: @Combinator, that's also why I leave links semi-visible, because when you reply, the widget is not inserted.

so paste it like a normal link, it will be even more convenient.


so paste it as a normal link, it will be even more convenient.

OK, I'll do that.)


That's how it is with people)


made myself one )


I read it in the news today. Venezuela is about to launch a gold cryptocurrency.
Мадуро объявил о появлении обеспеченной золотом венесуэльской криптовалюты
Мадуро объявил о появлении обеспеченной золотом венесуэльской криптовалюты
ТАСС, 22 февраля. Венесуэла на следующей неделе выпустит новую криптовалюту, обеспеченную золотом. Об этом заявил в среду президент южноамериканской страны Николас Мадуро, сообщил телеканал . Ранее на этой неделе Венесуэла выпустила собственную цифровую валюту петро, поддержанную запасами месторождения Аякучо в нефтеносном поясе реки Ориноко...
Vitalii Ananev:
I read it in the news today. Venezuela is about to launch a gold cryptocurrency.


have already raised over $700 million.

ZS: I saw it launched yesterday and it's only going to launch today. How fast things change in this world.)